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  4. saijo Cemetery
  5. Development of the eastern saijo (tentative name)

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Development of the eastern saijo (tentative name)

Last updated on February 19, 2025.

 In Motoichi, declining birthrate and aging progress more and more in future, and aging rate is expected to exceed 26% in 2025 (Reiwa 7). The number of deaths is expected to increase, and the demand for cremation is expected to continue to increase.
 Currently, the city's saijo is operated by the municipal 4 saijo and the private 1 saijo, and the municipal saijo has made various efforts to maintain a stable supply of cremation over the future.
 The city recognized this situation as an urgent issue, and decided to develop a new saijo to meet the increasing demand for cremation.

Completed image

Table of Contents (Click each item to move to that item.)


Outline of maintenance


Various procedures

Current status

Progress of construction

Outline of maintenance

Location map

Location: 18-18, Daikokucho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi and others

Location map of the eastern saijo (tentative name)

Outline of maintenance

Outline of maintenance (assumed)
Outline of scale, etc.
  • Total floor area approximately 22,000 square meters
  • 4 floors above ground and 1 floor below ground
Crematory furnace equipment
  • 16 furnaces (including one spare furnace)
Maintenance Offices
  • 16 rooms in front of the furnace (a farewell room, bone collection room)
  • A mortuary (carrying about 10 bodies)
  • 16 waiting rooms (for 40 people), waiting lobby, shops and cafes, kids space
  • 3 funeral halls
  • Offices, parking lots, etc.
Business schedule
  • Basic design, geological survey, cremation furnace specifications examination for FY2020
  • Basic design, implementation design, management permission procedure, city planning procedure for FY2021
  • 2022 Design, civil engineering work, and management permission procedures
  • 2023 Design, civil engineering work, construction work, management permission procedure
  • Construction work, cremation furnace equipment construction, completion of Reiwa 6-8
  • Start of operation in FY2026

※This is the current assumption. It is subject to change depending on future business progress.


Maintenance Communications

 In order to convey the progress of our business, we have published a public relations paper called the Eastern saijo (tentative name) Maintenance Communication.

Up to now
No.Date of issuanceDataOverview
1July, 2018Maintenance Communication No.1 (PDF: 735KB)
  • Development of New saijo
  • Opinions received at the briefing
2May, 2019Maintenance Communication No.2 (PDF: 673KB)
  • About summary of briefing session and opinion that we had
  • About business to carry out in 2019
3March, 2020Maintenance Communication No.3 (PDF: 484KB)
  • Partial change of the shape of the planned site
  • Basic Concept of Maintenance
  • About summary of briefing session and opinion that we had
4May, 2021Maintenance Communication No.4 (PDF: 1,014KB)
  • Status of examination of basic design
  • Environmental Impact Assessment (Independent) Results
  • About summary of briefing session and opinion that we had
  • About city planning procedure
5December, 2021Maintenance Communication No.5 (PDF: 1,455KB)
  • Overview of the Basic Design
  • About summary of briefing session and opinion that we had
March, 2023Maintenance Communication No.6 (PDF: 1,075KB)
  • Overview of building design, etc.
  • Report of the Briefing Session
  • About progress of maintenance business
September, 2024Maintenance Communication No.7 (PDF: 1,209KB)
  • Progress of the saijo Development Project
  • Future schedule (planned)
  • Report of the Briefing Session

Briefing Session

 We hold briefings to inform the progress of our business.

Status of past briefing sessions
NO.Fiscal yearDate and timeLocationMaterialsRemarks
  • From 14:00 on Saturday, March 17, 2018
  • From 18:30 on Friday, March 23, 2018

Namamugi District Center (4-6-37, Barley, Tsurumi-ku)

The content is the same for each session.
  • From 18:30 on Friday, March 22, 2019
  • From 14:00 on Saturday, March 23, 2019

Namamugi District Center (4-6-37, Barley, Tsurumi-ku)

The content is the same for each session.
  • From 18:30 on Friday, January 31, 2020
  • From 14:00 on Saturday, February 1, 2020

Namamugi District Center (4-6-37, Barley, Tsurumi-ku)

The content is the same for each session.
42020Video distribution from Friday, March 19, 2021 to Monday, April 19, 2021

Yokohama-shi homepage

  • Until now, briefings were held at the Namamugi Regional Center, but in order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 infection, the video was distributed.
  • Video distribution and distribution of materials at the Public Relations Section ward office in Tsurumi Ward, Kanagawa Ward and Kohoku Ward have ended.
52021Video distribution from Monday, October 25, 2021 to Wednesday, November 24, 2021Yokohama-shi homepage
  • To prevent COVID-19 infection, video distribution format is used.
  • Video distribution and distribution of materials at the Public Relations Section ward office in Tsurumi Ward, Kanagawa Ward and Kohoku Ward have ended.
  • From 18:30 on Friday, January 27, 2023
  • From 14:00 on Saturday, January 28, 2023
Namamugi District Center (4-6-37, Barley, Tsurumi-ku)The content is the same for each session.
  • From 18:30 on Friday, July 26, 2024
  • From 10:00 on Saturday, July 27, 2024
Namamugi District Center (4-6-37, Barley, Tsurumi-ku)The content is the same for each session.

Various procedures

Evaluation of Public Works (Preliminary Evaluation)

 About eastern part saijo (tentative name) maintenance business, we carried out public works evaluation (prior evaluation) based on Yokohama-shi public works evaluation system in 2019. As we decided prior evaluation record based on deliberation result of Yokohama-shi public works evaluation committee and citizen opinion offer result, we announce result as follows.

Evaluation results
Public Works Evaluation Committee

Deliberation results and minutes of the 3rd Committee in FY2019 (PDF: 419KB)

  • Results of the deliberations:
  • Opinion statement "None"
Citizen opinion offer result

Opinion for citizen opinion and opinion for citizen opinion (PDF: 117KB)

Preliminary Evaluation Report

Preliminary Evaluation Report (PDF: 6,319KB)

※There is no change from the pre-evaluation record (draft) announced on March 2, 2020.

 For an overview of the system, please see the page of the Finance Bureau Facility Management Promotion Section.

Urban planning procedures

 On February 4, 2022, the city planning change of the crematorium (addition of eastern saijo) was announced. The name of the city planning is "Tobu saijo", but the current name is "Tobu saijo". The name as a citizen-use facility will be determined in the ordinance of the City Counsil, with reference to the opinions of those involved.

Major procedures
ContentsDate and timeOverview
City draft briefing sessionFrom June 9, 2021 to July 9, 2021About document, please see page of Housing and Architecture Bureau City Planning Division.
City Planning CouncilJanuary 14, 2022The agenda for this project has been passed. In addition, about the deliberation situation, please see page of Housing and Architecture Bureau City Planning Division.

Procedure of the regulations about permission of management such as Yokohama-shi graveyards

 When we establish crematorium newly and are going to run, it is necessary to receive permission based on law about graveyard, burial. In addition, in receiving permission, it is necessary to perform procedure based on the regulations about permission of management such as Yokohama-shi graveyards.

Major procedures
Contents Date and time Overview
Briefing Session

June 28, 2022
June 29, 2022
July 2, 2022

A briefing session was held based on Article 23 of the Ordinance.

[Target person of explanation]

 Within the horizontal distance from the boundary of the crematorium's management permission area is within 110 meters

  •  Those who have Address
  •  Person who owns land or building
  •  Local associations that include those who have Address as members

[Explanatory materials]

 ・Crematorium management permission briefing materials (PDF: 4,708KB)

[Explanation contents, questions, etc.]

 ・Crematorium management permission briefing session summary (PDF: 303KB)

Other procedures

Status of implementation
No. Contents Date and time Overview
Briefing session based on the ordinance on the conservation, etc. of the living environment pertaining to construction and development projects of middle- and high-rise buildings in Yokohama City

June 28, 2022
June 29, 2022

 When building a building of a certain size or more, install a sign at the planned site and explain the architectural plan to nearby residents etc.

[Target person of explanation]
 The horizontal distance from the site boundary line of middle- and high-rise buildings, etc. is within 15 meters, and the horizontal distance from the outer wall of middle- and high-rise buildings or the surface of pillars in place of this is within 50 meters.
  • Person who owns land
  • Person who owns or owns a building

Current status

 The following is a report on the progress of the project.

Current status
No.Date of publicationReporting destinationMaterialsOverview
1October 24, 2017Health and Welfare and Medical CommitteeBasic Survey on New saijo Development Study (Interim Report) (PDF: 2,380KB)Status of studies on the development of the new saijo
2January 30, 2018Press releaseWe will build a new saijo (crematorium) in the eastern area. (PDF:253KB)About developing a new saijo in Daikoku-cho, Tsurumi-ku


December 12, 2018Health and Welfare and Medical CommitteeAbout the examination situation of eastern saijo (tentative name) maintenance business (interim report) (PDF: 620KB)Review of Business Methods
4December 13, 2019Health and Welfare and Medical CommitteeAbout the examination situation of eastern saijo (tentative name) maintenance business (interim report) (PDF: 422KB)About basic way of thinking of partial shape change of planned site and maintenance
5March 12, 2021Health and Welfare and Medical CommitteeProgress of the Eastern saijo (tentative name) maintenance project (interim report) (PDF: 611KB)About the status of examination of basic design and environmental impact assessment (independent)


September 21, 2021Health and Welfare and Medical CommitteeProgress of the Eastern saijo (tentative name) maintenance project (interim report) (PDF: 1,103KB)Progress of Basic Design
May 31, 2022Health and Welfare and Medical CommitteeProgress of the Eastern saijo (tentative name) maintenance project (interim report) (PDF: 872KB)About the current design outline and the procedures planned for this fiscal year
December 16, 2022Health and Welfare and Medical CommitteeProgress of the Eastern saijo (tentative name) maintenance project (interim report) (PDF: 429KB)

Future maintenance schedules, maintenance costs, soil contamination survey results, etc.

December 16, 2022Press releaseAbout result of soil contamination investigation in eastern saijo (tentative name) maintenance site (PDF: 492KB)About the results of soil contamination surveys conducted at the maintenance site
10September 15, 2023Health and Welfare and Medical CommitteeAbout introduction of designated manager system to Kuboyama Saijo and eastern saijo (tentative name) (PDF: 306KB)About introduction of designated manager system
11April 17, 2024Health and Welfare and Medical CommitteeProgress of the Eastern saijo (tentative name) maintenance project (interim report) (PDF: 1,581KB)About temporary contract conclusion of construction work and maintenance schedule

Progress of construction


We are working on earthwork. (January 2025)

During the work in January, secondary drilling and installation of construction tables were performed.
After the primary drilling is completed, the earth anchor secures the retaining ground to the ground. After fixing it firmly, start secondary drilling.
In addition, a slab is set up in the center of the excavation part, and the excavated soil is carried out.

Overall photo

We are working on mountain retaining and earthwork. (November 2024)

 The eastern saijo (tentative name) will drill about 8 meters of ground to build a parking lot on the first basement floor.
 Mountain retaining work was carried out in advance so that the surrounding soil to be excavated does not collapse. The construction method for the retaining work is based on the SMW method so that the surrounding groundwater does not flow into the area dug.
 In earthwork, we plan to proceed with the construction in two stages: primary drilling and secondary drilling. Currently, we are digging to the depth of the primary drilling and constructing an earth anchor to support the mountain retaining.

Construction commenced (July 2024)

 The builder of the construction work was decided to be Taisei, Matsuo, and Watanabe Kensetsu consortium, and a temporary enclosure was set up in June, and the ground improvement work was started immediately in July. (Static tightening sand pile method: A steel pipe (casing pipe) is penetrated into the ground, sand is injected into the ground from the steel pipe, and a cylindrical sand pile with a diameter of about 70 cm and a depth of about 6 m is installed. This prevents liquefaction of the ground during major earthquake.)
 In addition, the installation of two temporary site offices has been completed on the land adjacent to the construction site, and construction has begun in earnest.

The installation of the underground heat exchanger for underground heat construction has been completed (April 2024).

 In the eastern saijo (tentative name), air conditioning is performed using underground heat.
 In order to utilize this geothermal heat, underground heat exchangers (U-shaped plastic pipes with a diameter of about 3.5 cm) were installed at 49 locations within the saijo project site.

<Reference: What is the use of underground heat?>
 The temperature inside the ground, which is more than 10m above the surface, is almost stable, not only in the season, is cooler than outside temperature in summer, and warmer than outside temperature in winter. The use of this stable heat is called "ground heat utilization."
 In order to use this underground heat, the underground heat exchanger will be embedded deep underground and water will be circulated to collect heat and use it for cooling and heating.

(Source) Ministry of the Environment's "Intermediate Heat Utilization System" pamphlet

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Inquiries to this page

Health and Social Welfare Bureau General Affairs Department Environmental Facilities Division

Phone: 045-671-4386

Phone: 045-671-4386

Fax: 045-664-6753

E-Mail address [email protected]

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