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Cleaning using the Internet, etc.

Last updated on August 17, 2022.

In recent years, there has been a form of cleaning that uses the Internet and lockers to receive and deliver laundry. While this form enhances convenience, consultation has been sent to the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan that service users may not be able to contact the business operator for complaints or may not be able to receive sufficient explanations for complaints.

The following precautions are required when using these services.

For businesses that perform cleaning using the Internet, etc.

Clarify the company responsible for the laundry, and specify the name, location, and contact information of the cleaning place to which the complaint is filed based on Article 3-2 of the Cleaning Business Law. In addition, please respond appropriately to complaints from consumers.

To Consumers

Unlike other services, cleaning is a service that is not performed in front of consumers, so it is difficult to identify the cause even if an accident occurs, and it is often difficult to resolve it. For this reason, standard business conditions in the cleaning industry and the Federation of Cleaning Health and Hygiene Trade Associations have set standards for cleaning accident compensation, except when the business operator proves that an accident has occurred solely due to negligence of another person. Except for this, a negligence estimate that the cleaning company compensates the victim, regardless of whether the cause is in the cleaning work.
However, cleaning using the Internet etc. is more difficult to identify the cause than normal cleaning, and compensation in the event of an accident does not adopt negligence estimation and compensate only when the operator is responsible. Some businesses have stipulated the handling of compensation, and the handling of compensation standards may differ.
When using cleaning using the Internet, etc., be sure to carefully check the handling of complaints and compensation for accidents before using it.

(Reference) Thoroughness of consumer protection in cleaning (Kenei departure 0724 No. 1 July 24, 2014) (PDF: 56KB)

(Reference) About press release of National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan about cleaning business (March 9, 2015) (PDF: 382KB)

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