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About management of bath facilities

Last updated on February 28, 2025.

About revision of water quality standard of bathtub water

public bath and Japanese inn business facilities are required to conduct water quality tests at least once a year and submit a water quality test report to Health Sanitation Division Health and Welfare Center.
Due to a partial revision of the Public Bath Law Enforcement Detailed Regulations and the Ryokan Business Law Enforcement Detailed Regulations, from April 1, 2025, "E. coliform" will be "E. coli" among the inspection items of bathtub water, so water quality will be tested according to new standards Please carry out.
In addition, when changing water for each bather without circulating the bathtub water, it is not necessary to inspect the bathtub water.

Water quality standards (from April 1, 2025)

Harayu, rising hot water (raw water, rising water)
Inspection itemsCriteriaInspection method
Chromaticity5 degrees or lessColoring method or transparent light measurement method
Turbidity2 times or lessContamination, Transmission Spectrometer, Integration Optical Electromagnetic, Scattering Light Measurement, or Transmission Scattering
pH value5.8 or more 8.6 or lessGlass electrode method
Amount of total organic carbon
(If it is inappropriate to measure the amount of total organic carbon due to reasons such as disinfection using chlorinated isocyanolic acid, potassium permanganate consumption)
3mg/L or less
(In terms of potassium permanganate consumption, 10 mg/L or less)
Total Organic Carbon Measurement Method
(In terms of potassium permanganate consumption, titration method)
Escherichia coliNot detectedSpecific enzyme substrate culture method
Legionella spp.Not detected
(less than 10cfu / 100mL)
Filtration concentration method or cooling centrifugal concentration method

Bathtub water (When changing water for each bather without circulating the bathtub water, it is not necessary to inspect the bathtub water)
Inspection itemsCriteriaInspection method
Turbidity5 degrees or lessContamination, Transmission Spectrometer, Integration Optical Electromagnetic, Scattering Light Measurement, or Transmission Scattering
Amount of total organic carbon
(If it is inappropriate to measure the amount of total organic carbon due to reasons such as disinfection using chlorinated isocyanolic acid, potassium permanganate consumption)
8mg/L or less
(In terms of potassium permanganate consumption, 25 mg/L or less)
Total Organic Carbon Measurement Method
(In terms of potassium permanganate consumption, titration method)
Escherichia coli1 piece/mL or lessMethods prescribed in Article 6 of the Ministerial Ordinance (Ministry of Health and Welfare, Ministry of Construction Ordinance No. 1 of 1962) concerning the method of certifying the quality of sewage
Legionella spp.Not detected
(less than 10cfu / 100mL)
Filtration concentration method or cooling centrifugal concentration method

Report of water quality inspection results

Once the water quality inspection is conducted, please attach a copy of the inspection report to the water quality inspection report and submit it to Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division in the ward where the facility is located.

You can also report online using the "Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System".

Information on measures to prevent legionellosis

Legionellosis can be prevented by proper hygiene management of equipment.
public bath and the inn business facilities are stipulated in the ordinances, detailed regulations and outlines for basic hygiene management to prevent the growth of Legionella spp.

If a user of the facility is found to have Legionellosis patients (including suspicions), or if the results of water quality tests are inappropriate, such as the detection of Legionella spp. from the equipment to be managed, contact Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division in the district where the facility is located.

Preparation and operation of self-management guidebooks

Laws and regulations

  • Under the "Public Bath Law Enforcement Ordinance" and the "Ryokan Business Law Enforcement Detailed Regulations", business operators are required to prepare a self-management guide.
  • Similarly, in the "Yokohama City Legionellosis Prevention Measures Guidance Guidelines", it stipulates the creation of guidebooks, equipment ledgers, annual management plans, etc.


The voluntary management guide is a document (management manual) that specifically defines daily hygiene management and plans, methods, procedures, etc. for maintenance and management of equipment and equipment, etc., with the aim of preventing health hazards such as legionellosis. )is. As shown in the table below, create a self-management guide, carry out maintenance based on the prescribed procedure, verify the validity of the procedure by water quality inspection, etc., and review the plan as necessary. In addition to complying with the standards stipulated in the regulations, etc., it is possible to maintain and manage according to the situation of the facility.

PDCA cycle for maintenance
PDCA Details of implementation
Plan (P)

Preparation of maintenance plan (self-management guide)

Execution (D)

Maintenance and preparation of implementation records based on the plan (procedures)

Evaluation (C)

Verification of procedures by water quality tests such as bathtub water

Improvement (A)

Revision and improvement of plans (procedures)


(P)(D)Repeat (C)(A).

Basic Concept of Hygiene Management

When microorganisms proliferate in the equipment and biological membranes are formed and established, Legionella spp. In order to improve this situation, we will appropriately clean and disinfect equipment based on our self-management guide. It is also important to take measures to control the scattering of aerosols (microwater droplets) containing Legionella spp. to prevent human transmission.

How to create a self-management guide

The self-management guide is a document that summarizes matters related to the maintenance and management of facilities, but the style is not defined, and if there is a system drawing, equipment table, manual for workers, etc. already created at the facility, You can organize and utilize it. Please confirm that the following (1) to (4) are organized in the manuals created at the facility.
(1)About hygiene manager and its role
(2)About hygiene management plan and management procedure (see table below for details)
(3)Correction and improvement of plans and procedures based on water quality inspections and inspection records
(4)Response in case of emergency or accident
When creating a self-management guide from now on, please refer to examples of self-management guide (public bath (word: 110KB) and Hotel Ryokan (word: 110KB)).

(2)Details of hygiene management plans and management procedures
DocumentsExample of descriptionExample

①System diagram

System diagram of the entire equipment for each bathtub system (summary)

②List of Covered Equipment

Name that can be identified (installation location), format, performance, capacity, presence or absence of instruction manual, etc.

③List of management items

Management items necessary to control the occurrence of Legionella spp. for each target facility
(Cleaning, inspection, disinfection, water quality inspection, etc.)


Specific management procedures according to the list of management items for each facility

  • Specific maintenance procedures for cleaning, inspection, disinfection, water quality inspection, etc. (equipment to be used, chemicals, precautions for work, frequency of implementation, implementer, work content, etc.)
  • Hygiene measures standards (frequency, content, and standard values) stipulated in the public bath Ordinance for Enforcement of the Public Bath Law and Ryokan Business Facilities are stipulated in the Regulations for Enforcement of the Ryokan Business Law.
  • Measures in case of deviation from the standard value

⑤Annual Plan and Inspection Table

Management and inspection plans and implementation record tables implemented on a regular basis (monthly basis)

Attachment 1-(3) Annual Plan and Inspection Table (Excel: 17KB)

⑥Daily Inspection Table

Implementation record table of management and inspection performed on a daily basis (daily, weekly) basis

Attachment 1-(4) Daily Inspection and Record Table (Excel: 29KB)

Operation of Voluntary Management Guides

Perform maintenance based on the self-management guide created, and record the results on checklists.
Based on the results of the recorded inspection table and water quality inspection, consider the validity of the created plan and procedure, revise the self-management manual as necessary, and review the maintenance procedure. In addition, when regulations such as the Public Bath Law Enforcement Ordinance are revised or when facilities are updated, it is necessary to review the self-management manual.

Inquiry counter

If you have any questions about hygiene management at the facility, please contact Health and Welfare Center Health Sanitation Division in the ward where the facility is located.

About bathing wearing bathing clothes

Some people wish to take a bath wearing a special bathing suit so that they do not stand out after surgery such as breast cancer. Please take care so that those who wear bathing clothes can take a bath without hesitation.
Poster (please understand and consider bathing wearing bathing clothes) (PDF: 736KB)

What is Bathing Cloth?

This is a special bathing underwear developed and manufactured to cover the scars so that those who have left scars due to breast cancer or skin transplant surgery can enjoy bathing without worrying about the surroundings. There is no problem with hygiene management if you wear a bathing suit just before bathing and wash off the attached soap before entering the bathtub.

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Inquiries to this page

Health Sanitation Division, Medical Care Bureau Health and Safety Department

Phone: 045-671-2456

Phone: 045-671-2456

Fax: 045-641-6074

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 575-727-438


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