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- Enforcement of the revised law to prevent solicitation using knowledge based on inspiration, etc., and the new law to rescue damage due to unjust solicitation of donations
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Enforcement of the revised law to prevent solicitation using knowledge based on inspiration, etc., and the new law to rescue damage due to unjust solicitation of donations
Last updated on December 26, 2024.
The Act on Partial Revision of the Consumer Contract Act and the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan Act (Act No. 99 of 2022), the Act on Prevention of Unjust soliciting Donations by Corporations (Act No. 105 of 2022) was enacted on December 10, 2022, promulgated on the 16th of the same month, except for some provisions, and will be enforced on January 5th of January 23.
Law revision and new law
Act that partially revises the Consumer Contract Act and the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan Act (Act No. 99 of 2022)
In order to respond to the seriousness of consumer damage caused by solicitation using knowledge based on spirituality, the "Consumer Contract Law and a part of the National Consumer Affairs Center of Japan Law" was enacted.
For details, please see the Consumer Affairs Agency website (outside site).
Act on Prevention of Unjust solicitation of donations by corporations, etc. (Act No. 105 of 2022)
In order to rescue damage caused by unjust solicitation of donations and prevent recurrence, the "Law Concerning the Prevention of Unfair solicitation of donations by corporations, etc." has been enacted to establish a mechanism for appropriateness of donations.
For details, please see the Consumer Affairs Agency website (outside site).
Flyers for Revised and New Laws (January 2023)
A flyer summarizing the above revised and new laws has been prepared by the Consumer Affairs Agency, so please refer to it.
Flyer (Consumer Affairs Agency, January 2023) (PDF: 1,432KB)
In addition, this flyer can also be viewed on the Consumer Affairs Agency website.
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Consumer Economic Affairs Division, Civil Economic and Labor Department, Economic Affairs Bureau
Phone: 045-671-2584
Phone: 045-671-2584
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Page ID: 964-369-130