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  6. Prevention of consumer damage to the elderly in Yokohama City

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Prevention of consumer damage to the elderly in Yokohama City

Last updated on July 2, 2020.

About watching enlightenment video for prevention of consumer damage of elderly person

In order to prevent consumer problems for the elderly and to detect and resolve them early, it is important to notice and call out to the surroundings, such as family members and neighbors. .
This is an enlightenment video created with the hope that watching this video will help you care about the elderly around you. Please take a look.

What you can do-a suspicious shadow that sneaks-The actual situation of consumer damage by the elderly <about 8 minutes>

Prevention of consumer damage by elderly people Enlightenment video: Family perspective (door-to-door sales) <30 seconds>

Prevention of consumer damage by elderly people Enlightenment video: Child's eyes (telephone solicitation) <15 seconds>

Prevention of consumer damage by elderly people Enlightenment video: Sunny eyes (fictitious billing) <15 seconds>

About distribution of "help card"

In order to prevent consumer damage to elderly people who are worried about an increase due to the aging of society, a "help card (cooling off version)" with the contact information of the Yokohama City Consumer Affairs Center (hereinafter referred to as "center") Was created in 2016. This card is distributed to the elderly by the Yokohama City Consumer Affairs Promotion Officer, the Yokohama City Senior Citizens' Club Federation Friendship Activity Officer, Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, local welfare officers and children's committees, etc., which are responsible for local activities.
From FY2017, as new observers, telecommunications carriers (NTT DOCOMO, KDDI, SoftBank), Kanagawa Prefectural Consumer Cooperative Association, Sompo Japan Insurance Inc. Nipponkoa Co., Ltd., Japan Post Co., Ltd. Minami Kanto Branch We have you distribute "help card (cooling off version, smartphone version)" to city operators such as and have you cooperate with watching activity. In addition, since 2018, with the cooperation of Tokyo Gas Co., Ltd. Yokohama Branch, employees and OBs (= Hoshikokai) have been distributed to local residents living in the city.

"Help Card" (cooling off version)

Help card (cooling off version)

"Help Card (Smartphone Version)"

Help card (smartphone version)

Press Release on Initiatives

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