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After School Kids Club (Kids)

Last updated on July 12, 2024.

"What is Kids Club?" has been updated.

What is Kids Club?

For all children, from the first grade to the sixth grade of elementary school, the purpose is to provide a safe and comfortable after-school place that combines a place for play and a place for living by utilizing elementary school facilities. Have been implemented. ※Link to the Child and Youth Bureau homepage

After School Kids Club Overview
※The bold letters are the parts that will be changed from FY2022. Opening hours will be advanced from the summer holidays in 2022. For more information, please visit the Child and Youth Bureau website.
  Exciting category (Category 1) Quickly Classification (Category 2)
Purpose of implementation

It is implemented for the purpose of using it as a place for play.

For this reason, it may not be available in case of emergency.
The purpose of this program is to provide a place to play and a place to live in the absence of home elementary school student.
Target elementary school student

"Elementary school students attending the school concerned"
Or "Elementary school students who go to private schools, etc. residing in the elementary school district"

Date of opening Every Monday through Saturday (excluding holidays and New Year's holidays)
Opening hours

Weekday From the end of class until 7:00 p.m.
Saturday: From 8:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
School holidays except Saturday (long holidays, etc.): From 8 a.m. to 7 p.m.

Usage time

Until 4:00 p.m.
※Not available on Saturday (You can participate in the program on some days if there is a program)
※About 2 hours on school holidays

The quick and quick classification is divided into two categories according to the usage time.

Yuyake (A)
Until 5:00 p.m.
※School holidays except Saturday (long holidays, etc.) start at 8:00 am

Hoshizora (B)
Until 7:00 p.m.
※School holidays except Saturday (long holidays, etc.) start at 8:00 am

Usage fees, etc.

Free of charge
(If you use spot, 800 yen / time + snack fee (about actual cost))

Excluding July and August: Monthly fee 2,000 yen + snack fee (about actual cost)
July and August: Monthly amount 2,500 yen + snack fee (about actual cost)

Excluding July and August: Monthly fee 5,000 yen + snack fee (actual cost)
July and August: Monthly fee 5,500 yen + snack fee (about actual cost)

Up to 800 yen per year (depending on kids club)
≪Reduction of usage fees≫
Municipal tax-exempt households, social security households, Subsidies for School Expenses households, and households receiving Child Raising Allowance are exempt from usage fees (monthly basis) and are subject to the following usage fees:
Excluding July and August: Yuyake (2A) → 0 yen/month, Hoshizora (2B) → 2,500 yen/month
July and August: Yuyake (2A) → 0 yen/month, Hoshizora (2B) → 3,000 yen/month

Application for use

Please apply directly to each club.
※We recommend that you visit before applying. Please contact the club directly for the tour.

Inquiries Please contact us during the opening hours of the club.

List of elementary school student Training Centers in Midori Ward: Omote

List of elementary school student Training Centers in Midori Ward: Yeah

After School Kids Club in Midori Ward

List of after-school kids clubs
Name and contact information Management Corporation

Ibukino Elementary School After School Kids Club

Co., Ltd.

Ueyama Elementary School After School Kids Club (outside site)

Co., Ltd.
Rikyu Kids

Kamoi Elementary School After School Kids Club (outside site)

Co., Ltd.
Rikyu Kids

Kirigaoka compulsory education School After School Kids Club (outside site)

Co., Ltd.
Rikyu Kids

Takeyama Elementary School After School Kids Club (outside site)

Co., Ltd.
Rikyu Kids

Tokaichiba Elementary School After School Kids Club (outside site)

Public interest incorporated foundation

Nagatsuta Elementary School After School Kids Club (outside site)

Public interest incorporated foundation

Nagatsuta Daini Elementary School After School Kids Club (outside site)

Co., Ltd.
Rikyu Kids

Nakayama Elementary School After School Kids Club (outside site)

Co., Ltd.
Rikyu Kids

Shinji Elementary School After School Kids Club (outside site)

Co., Ltd.
Rikyu Kids

Higashi Hongo Elementary School After School Kids Club (outside site)

Co., Ltd.
Rikyu Kids

Midori Elementary School After School Kids Club (outside site)

Co., Ltd.
Rikyu Kids

After leaving Miho Elementary School Kids Club

Co., Ltd.
Gakken Cocofan

Morinodai Elementary School After School Kids Club (outside site)

Activities Corporation

Yamashita Elementary School After School Kids Club

Co., Ltd.
Gakken Cocofan

After School Kids Club Yamashita Midoridai Elementary School

Co., Ltd.
Gakken Cocofan

FAQs Answer

Where can I apply?

Applications are accepted at each club.

What is the difference between the exciting category (Category 1) and the quick category (Category 2)?

Exciting categories (Category 1) are implemented as "playgrounds". For this reason, we may not carry out emergency situations.
We carry out quickly and quickly category (Category 2) as "place of play" and "place of life". Only available at home elementary school student, etc.


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Inquiries to this page

Midori Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-930-2216

Phone: 045-930-2216

Fax: 045-930-2435

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 837-109-857

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