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Minami Ward Reading Activities Promotion Project

Last updated on November 19, 2024.

About Minami Ward Reading Activity Promotion Project

On April 1, 2014, "the regulations about promotion of reading activity of Yokohama citizen" were enforced.
In Yokohama-shi, we devised "Yokohama citizen book-reading activity promotion plan" based on these regulations.
In the plan, ward offices, libraries, and schools cooperate to formulate goals for reading activities according to the regional characteristics of the ward, collaborate with local organizations and private businesses, and promote reading activities throughout the region. It is supposed to be. Based on this plan, Minami Ward has formulated the "Minami Ward People's Reading Activity Promotion Goals" and conducts various businesses to promote reading activities.


Reading promotion activity promotion lecture

Reading and piano concert to enjoy the forest [Application is being accepted] [Reception period has been extended until December 5]

Flyer (Table)
Reading and Piano Concert

"Freddy of Leaves" (Leo Bascarria / work) "The Last Day of Bartan" (Tomoko Kano / Includes "Monorail Neko") will be delivered with Yukiko Saito's reading and Yuka Noda's piano. Enjoy the impressive stage while feeling the forest and nature.
Date and time Sunday, December 15 from 14:30 to 15:45 (opening: 14:00)
[Place] Minamin (Minami public hall)
[Capacity] 500 people (lottery) ※Priority for residents, working, and students in the city
[How to apply]
 (1) Application form
   Apply directly from the application form (outside site)
 (2) Mailing
   Please fill out the following items on the official postcard and send it to us.
   ①Name of event
   ②Address 3 Name ※In the case of multiple persons, representative
   ④Phone number 5 Number of participants (including representatives)
   ⑥Age of all applicants (ages under 10 years old)
   ⑦Living, working, attending school, outside the ward
   ⑧If you are in a wheelchair, please indicate so.
[Destination] 2-33 Urafune-cho, Minami-ku, 232-0024, Japan
 Minami Ward Office Regional Promotion Division Reading Activity Promotion Officer
[Application Deadline] Must arrive by Wednesday, November 20
 ※The results of the lottery will be announced by December 5.

Cello and reading "Blue Bird" that both adults and children can enjoy [finished]

Flyer (Table)
Cello and Reading "Blue Bird"

Please enjoy Maeterlinck's masterpiece "Blue Bird" with Ichiro Hasebe's cello performance and Rieko Takano's reading.
"Blue Bird" is a play written for the play, and on the day before Christmas, my brother Chiru and my sister Michiru go to look for a blue bird. Where is happiness? What is happiness? There are a lot of words that make you think of it.
It is a wonderful story that resonates with adults who have read it in the past and children who know it for the first time.
Date and time From Saturday, November 25, 2023 from 13:30 to 14:30 (opening at 13:00)
[Venue] Multipurpose Hall on the 1st floor of Minami Ward Hall
[Capacity] 60 people (advanced application system). In the case of a large number of applications, lottery)
[How to apply] Please apply in the following way. Up to 5 people per application.
 (1) Application form
   Apply directly from the application form
 (2) Mailing
    Please fill out the following items on the official postcard and send it to us.
    ①Lecture name 2 Name (furigana) ※In the case of multiple persons, representative
    ③Address 4 Phone number 5 Number of participants (including representatives)
    ⑥Age of all applicants (grade for junior high school students and younger, age for preschoolers)

[Destination] 2-33 Urafune-cho, Minami-ku, 232-0024, Japan
      Minami Ward Office Regional Promotion Division Reading Lecture
[Application Deadline] Must arrive by Wednesday, November 15

"Hiroyuki Itsuki's Lecture-Reading and Talking-" [finished]

A lecture "Reading and Talking" will be held by Hiroyuki Itsuki, a writer who has won the Naoki Prize, Eiji Yoshikawa Literature Prize, etc., and has been active at the forefront of the literary arts.
Date and time Sunday, September 17, 2023 from 14:00 to 15:00 (opening at 13:00)
[Venue] Kanto Gakuin Junior High School High School Greset Chapel
[Capacity] 800 people (advance application system). In the case of a large number of applications, lottery)
[How to apply] Please apply in the following way. Only once per person, up to 5 people per application.
 (1) Application form
    Apply directly from the application form
 (2) Mailing
    On the official postcard or application form on the back of the flyer
    ①Lecture name 2 Name (furigana) ※In the case of multiple persons, representative
    ③Address 4 Phone number 5 Number of participants (including representatives)
    ⑥(Non-resident in Minami Ward) Study or work
    ⑦If you are coming in a wheelchair or need a sign language interpreter, clearly indicate so.
    ⑧Presence or absence of childcare (specify name, date of birth, and gender)
 [Destination] 2-33 Urafune-cho, Minami-ku, 232-0024, Japan
         Minami Ward Office Regional Promotion Division Reading Lecture
 (3) Window
 Fill out the application form on the back of the flyer and Minami Library or
 Bring it to Minami Ward Office Regional Promotion Division (61st window on the 6th floor of the ward office)
[Application Deadline] Must arrive by Friday, August 25

Minami Ward Reading Map

Based on the Minami Ward People's Reading Activity Promotion Goals, we created a Minami Ward Reading Map that clearly describes the location and information of library facilities in Minami Ward. Please use it!
 Minami Ward Reading Map (PDF: 3,884KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Minami Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-341-1235

Phone: 045-341-1235

Fax: 045-341-1240

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 264-479-866

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