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- Counters and facilities
- Ward office window
- Ward office information
- Minami Ward Office Information Floor Map
The text is from here.
Minami Ward Office Information Floor Map
Last updated on March 19, 2024.
Reception hours
Monday to Friday (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and December 29 to January 3)
From 8:45 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
※From noon to 1:00 pm, we will work at all counters. Depending on the content of some work and consultation, you may have to wait until 1:00 pm For details, please contact each section.
※Bank "Koban" (police box) is available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
About ward office window opening agency of the second, fourth Saturday
Night reception
birth registration form and other family register notifications are received throughout the year.
Outside business hours, go to the reception desk on the first floor and at night.
Representative phone number
Reception hours
Open all year round
From 8 a.m. to 9 p.m.
1st floor
Ward Administration Promotion Division
No. 1 (Public Relations Section)
- Specialized consultation (law, etc.)
- Municipal administration request, petition
- Publicity
- Acceptance of Information Disclosure
Minami Public Works Office
No. 101 (Administration Section)
- Various permissions for roads, sewers, and parks
No. 102 (Road Section)
- Road repair work
No. 103 (Sewage and Park Section)
- Repair work for sewerage
- Park Facility Improvement and Park Protection Association
2nd floor
Family Registry Division
No. 11 (Family Registry Section)
- Notification of child birth, Marriage, Death, etc.
- Certification of all family register (transcript) and individual (abstract) matters
- family register's tag
No. 12 (Certificate issuance window)
- Copy of resident certificate, Seal Registration Certificate
- Certification of all family register (transcript) and individual (abstract) matters
- Issuance of family register's tag
- Issuance of proof of current status of pension (only on weekdays from Monday to Friday)
No. 14 (Registration Section)
- Notification of Change of Residents
- Seal registration
- Special Permanent Resident Certificate
- My number card
- Copy of resident certificate, Seal Registration Certificate
- Admission to elementary and junior high schools and transfer procedures
- Digital certificates
No. 16 (Registration Section)
- Renewal of digital certificates
- Reset your PIN on your My Number Card
Insurance & Pension Section
No. 17 (Tax Receipt Section)
- Consultation on payment of National Health Insurance premiums, Long-term Care Insurance Premium and Medical System for Elderly Seniors
No. 18 (National Health Insurance Section)
- Procedures for National Health Insurance and The Long-term Care Insurance (enrollment, change, withdrawal, limit certificate, etc.)
No. 19 (in charge of benefits)
- National Health Insurance benefits (medical expenses, high medical costs, lump-sum payment for childbirth, etc.)
- Benefits from The Long-term Care Insurance (housing renovation, welfare equipment, high-cost nursing care services, etc.)
- Latter-stage elderly healthcare system
- medical expenses grants (children, severely disabled people, single-parents)
No. 20 (National Pension Plan Section)
- Procedures and Consultations in National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin)
Ward's Treasurer's Office
No. 21 (Accounting Section)
- Payment and payment of public money to creditors
Elderly and Disabled Support Division
No. 23 (Elderly and Disabled Support Section)
- General information and consultation on the welfare and health of the elderly and disabled
- The Long-term Care Insurance (application for certification and consultation on services)
- Issuance of a special ride certificate for the elderly
- Grants from specified medical expenses (designated incurable disease)
- Hama and Hama also issued cards
No. 23 (Elderly Support Section)
- Consultation and support for the welfare and health of the elderly
No. 23 (person in charge of disability support)
- Consultation and support for the welfare and health of persons with disabilities
※From 12:00 to 13:00, the following consultations and procedures are not available.
Consultation on mental and welfare health, procedures for independence support medical care (psychiatric outpatient medical care), procedures for the Mental Handicapped Health and Welfare Handbook
No. 23 (in charge of community-based comprehensive care promotion)
- Thing about promotion of community-based comprehensive care
No. 24 (in charge of The Long-term Care Insurance)
- The Long-term Care Insurance operator window (substitution application, notification of home and care prevention service plan)
- Thing about certification of degree of nursing care required
Children and Families Support Division
No. 25 (Children and Families Support Section)
- Maternal and Child Health Handbook
- Children's allowance
- Infant health checkups
- medical care benefits (Chronic Pediatric Specific Diseases, Nurturing and Child Care)
- Special tickets (households receiving Child Raising Allowance)
- Welfare taxi tickets, special welfare tickets, car fuel tickets for persons with disabilities
No. 25 (in charge of childcare)
- Consultation and application for admission to nursery schools
No. 25 (Child-rearing Support Section)
- Consultation and application for single parents (Child Raising Allowance, etc.) and children with disabilities (under 18 years old)
- Women's Welfare Consultation
- Pre- and post-natal helper
- Parent classroom
- Hello baby visit
- Mother and Child Visit
- Baby class
- Parent-child classroom
- Infant consultation
- Maternal health consultation
- Breastfeeding consultation
- Children's Home Consultation
No. 25 (School Cooperation and Children)
- After school kids club
- After-School Care Program Clubs
3rd floor
Tax Affairs Division
No. 31 (Land Section)
- Property tax ledger reading and consultation (land)
No. 31 (House in charge)
- Property tax ledger reading and consultation (house)
No. 32 (General Tax Certification Office)
- Certificate about city tax (taxation certificate, tax payment certificate, evaluation certificate, etc.)
- Procedures for registration and abolition of moped motorcycles
No. 33 (City Tax Section)
- Individual municipal tax, prefectural tax declaration, consultation
- Consultation on light motor vehicles tax (keijidosha-zei)
No. 34 (Tax Receipt Section)
- Consultation on payment of city tax, delinquency disposal (seizure, public auction)
Minami fire department
No. 37 (fire brigade)
- fire brigade Office
No. 38 (Prevention Section)
- Fire prevention
- Disaster prevention and disaster prevention management
- Disaster prevention guidance
- Fire-fighting equipment, hazardous materials
No. 39 (Sector)
- Certificate of affliction
- Emergency certificate
- Fire outbreak
- Road construction
- Water cutoff, etc.
4th floor
Health and Welfare Division
No. 41 (Health Promotion Section)
- Cancer screening
- Vaccination
- Lifestyle improvement consultation
- Dietary consultation
- Tuberculosis and Infectious Disease Control
- A-bomb survivor's handbook
- Health activity promotion staff
- Health Handbook
- Hepatitis medical expenses Grant
- Asbestos Health Damage Relief System
No. 42 (Administration Planning Section)
- Consumer Affairs Committee and Children's Committee
- Chief Children's Committee
No. 42 (Business Planning Section)
- Planning, coordination, statistics, and public relations of welfare and health services
- Promotion of Community Welfare and Health Plan
- Management of community care plazas
Health Sanitation Division
No. 43 (Environmental Sanitation Section)
- Application and consultation for environmental business
- Consultation on dogs, cats, etc.
- Consultation on pests and housing hygiene
- Consultation on hygiene management of water tanks
No.44 (Food Sanitation Section)
- Application and consultation for food-related sales
- Application for medical worker licenses and medical facilities
5th floor
Life Support Division
No. 51 (Secretary Section)
- Application for social security Medical Institutions, etc.
- Support for the bereaved families of war dead, etc.
No. 51 (Life Support Section)
- social security Consultation Service
- Consultation, decision and implementation of social security
- Support for the independence of the poor in life
6th floor
Community Promotion Section
No. 61 (Citizens' Activities Promotion Section)
- Lifelong Study
- Healthy youth development
- Promotion of local culture
No. 61 (Ward Facilities Subdivision)
- Inhabitant of a ward facility management
- Sports promotion
- Minami Cherry Blossom Festival
No. 62 (Regional Activies Section)
- Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations
- Traffic safety
- Measures for abandoned bicycles
- Measures against anti-crime program
- Consumer Measures
- Shopping district promotion
- Minami Cherry Blossom Festival
No. 62 (Resources Reuse Promotion)
- Creating a clean and clean city
- Promotion of waste reduction and recycling
- Measures against illegal dumping
No. 63 (Planning and Adjustment Section)
- Support for regional management
Ward Administration Promotion Division
No. 64 (Planning and Adjustment Section)
- Planning and coordination of the main business of the ward
- Creating rules for the town
General Affairs Section
No. 65 (Statistics and Elections Section)
- Statistical survey
- Election
No. 66 (General Affairs Section)
- Disaster Prevention
- Temporary number
- Social Activities Insurance
- Items found, etc.
No. 67 (Budget Adjustment Section)
- Accounting
- Government building management
Family Registry Division
Temporary delivery window (601 meeting room)
- Issuance of My Number Card (reservation required)
7th floor
Related links
Inquiries to this page
Minami Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division
Phone: 045-341-1112
Phone: 045-341-1112
Fax: 045-341-1241
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 711-823-882