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  5. [Minami Ward] Recruitment of Fiscal Year Appointment Staff (Recruited by Children and Families Support Division, Use Adjustment Administrative Aid) (Recruited on May 1, 2025)

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[Minami Ward] Recruitment of Fiscal Year Appointment Staff (Recruited by Children and Families Support Division, Use Adjustment Administrative Aid) (Recruited on May 1, 2025)

Last updated on March 25, 2025.

We are looking for fiscal year appointment staff in Children and Families Support Division to certify and adjust the use of daycare centers.

1 Outline of recruitment

Business description

(1) Simple office work related to certification and use adjustment of benefits for childcare, educational facilities and businesses
(2) Simple office work related to contracts for childcare, educational facilities, and businesses
(3) Simple office work related to facilities and businesses, and liaison and coordination with neighboring municipalities
(4) Response to inquiries from users, facilities and businesses
(5) Various input operations
(6) Organizing and transporting documents
(7) Other administrative assistance (there is office work using a dedicated system terminal)
※In addition, disaster response work in the event of a large-scale disaster (basically auxiliary work, only during working hours)


(1) Those who are good at telephone and counter service
(2) Being able to operate a personal computer (mainly operation of a dedicated system terminal)

In the following cases, you will not be able to become an employee or undergo a competition test or selection according to the provisions of the Local Public Service Law.
(1) Persons who are sentenced to imprisonment or higher and until their execution is completed or no longer received.
(2) A person who has been dismissed as a Yokohama City employee and has not passed two years from the date of the disposition.
(3) A person who is in the position of a member of the Human Resources Committee or Equity Committee and has been sentenced to imprisonment for committing a crime prescribed in Chapter 5 of the Local Public Service Act
(4) A person who has formed or joined a political party or other organization that claims to destroy the Constitution of Japan or the government enacted under it by violence after the date of enforcement of the Constitution of Japan
(5) A person who is to be based on the previous example pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Revision of Part of the Civil Code (Act No. 149 of 1999)

Number of applicants


Work location

Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division, Minami Ward (Location: 2-33 Urafunecho, Minami-ku, Yokohama)

Appointment period

From May 1, 2025 to March 31, 2026
※Due to the application of the Local Public Service Act, the recruitment will be conditionally adopted, and if the number of working days in one month after recruitment does not meet 15 days, the conditional recruitment period may be extended.

Working days

(1) If you do not need to work 5 days a week, Saturday, Sunday, public holidays, and closed days.
(2) 4 days a week from Monday to Friday, 4 days a week determined by the director in advance
(3) 3 days a week From Monday to Friday, 3 days a week determined by the director in advance.
However, this excludes holidays and New Year holidays (December 29 to January 3).

Working hours

Principle: From 8:45 a.m. to 5:15 p.m.
※Including a break time of 1 hour.

Salary, vacation, etc.

(1) 9,150 yen daily salary (actual amount as of November 2024). The amount is subject to change due to the revision of the system. )
(2) Year-end allowance, diligence allowance (paid according to Yokohama City standards), commuting expenses (actual expenses are paid separately: upper limit)
(3) Participation in social insurance (employee health insurance (Yokohama City Mutual Aid Association), Employees' Pension Insurance, employment insurance) depending on working conditions.
(4) Grant annual leave, etc.
Other working conditions are based on related regulations such as the regulations about salary and expense compensation of staff appointed in Yokohama-shi fiscal year.

Recruitment Guide

2. Application Period

Until Monday, March 31, 2025

3 How to apply

(1) Document submission deadline (mail or bring a window)
Must arrive on Monday, March 31, 2025 (in the case of bringing, until 17:00 on the same day)
※In the case of mailing, please write "Application documents for the fiscal year appointment staff (authorization / use adjustment work assistance daily amount)" on the surface of the envelope. In addition, for reliable mail, please treat it as "delivery record mail" or "registered mail".
※Submission by e-mail is not possible.
(2) Submission documents (download the style from the homepage or hand it over at the ward office window)
Fiscal Year Appointment Staff Application Form (PDF: 221KB)
※Please be sure to include Phone number where you can get in touch during the day.
Application Form (PDF: 162KB)
(3) Submission address
〒232-0024 2-33, Urafunecho, Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi
Minami Ward Office Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division Fiscal Year Appointment Staff (accreditation and usage adjustment assistance daily)


(1) If you pass, you will be asked to consult physical checkup at the time of employment. (Details will be notified separately.)
(2) If it becomes clear that the contents of the application documents are incorrect, we may cancel the pass.
(3) If the recruiter declines, the runner-up may be advanced and passed.
(4) If the 2025 budget is not voted on in Yokohama City Council, it may not be accepted even if it passes the selection process.


Minami-ku, Yokohama-shi Children and Families Support Division
Fiscal year appointment staff (accreditation / use adjustment assistance daily amount) Recruitment staff
Phone: 045-341-1148 (Recruitment Procedures)
   045-341-1149 (Related to Duties)

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Inquiries to this page

Minami Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-341-1148

Phone: 045-341-1148

Fax: 045-341-1145

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 761-581-024

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