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- Minami Ward Bright Election Promotion Council
- What is a bright election promotion council?
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What is a bright election promotion council?
Last updated on June 28, 2024.
The philosophy of the bright election promotion campaign-bright election-
In order for our people to be correctly reflected in politics and democracy to develop soundly, elections must be held fairly and appropriately.
For fair and appropriate elections, it is necessary for each and every citizen to be fully interested in politics and elections, including familiar issues, to have the "right eyes" of candidates, political views, and political party policies, and to "vote" their votes.
If we abstain, acquire a vote, vote, or vote by offering or personality-in-law, we cannot correctly reflect our will in politics. A "bright election" is an election in which elections are held fairly and appropriately, and our will is correctly reflected in politics, eliminating distorted elections due to election crimes and personality-in-law, etc. The campaign to promote this is called the "bright election promotion campaign." Therefore, it is clearly distinguished from political activities and election campaigns that support or oppose a particular political party, policy, or candidate.
Realization of clean elections
We aim to realize a "clean election" by observing the following rules based on "three movements"-do not give-don't ask-do not accept.
- Politicians don't donate
- Voters may not ask for donations.
- Politicians are also prohibited from giving greetings to the weather.
- Politicians and supporters must not make paid greeting advertisements.
- It is also prohibited for supporters to give wreaths, incense books, and celebrations.
Active participation in voting
The turnout is said to be the barometer of the public's political participation.
For democratic politics, political participation is at the center of its function, and democracy is supported and created by the active participation of the people.
There is also a major reason for the call for participation in voting conducted by the bright election promotion council.
In addition, about the details of bright election promotion campaign, please see "association of bright election promotion (outside site)".
Minami Ward election mascot character general election result (executed on March 23, 2024)
At the 1st Minami Sakura Festival held on March 23, 2024, the Minami Ward Election Mascot Character General Election was held.
We performed using entry stand and ballot box used in actual election and had you vote for most favorite mascot character.
We received 292 votes (including 8 invalid votes), and the first place was the Minami Ward mascot character Minachi. Thank you very much to all of you who voted.
Click here for the results (PDF: 596KB)
Minami Ward election mascot character general election result
News from Meishokyo, Minami-ku
News from Minami Ward Meishokyo is a bulletin published by the Minami Ward Bright Election Promotion Council, mainly for bright election promotion members in Minami Ward, which lists events and activities related to the Minami Ward Bright Election Promotion Council. Check it out!
※"Meishokyo" in "Minami-ku Meishokyo Newsletter" is an abbreviation of the bright election promotion council.
The latest issue
Past issue
- February, 2023 issue (PDF: 1,278KB)
- September 2023 issue (PDF: 1,063KB)
- June 2023 issue (PDF: 1,388KB)
- February 2022 issue (PDF: 1,211KB)
- September 2022 issue (PDF: 1,374KB)
- June 2022 issue (PDF: 1,033KB)
- March 2021 issue (PDF: 1,066KB)
- December 2021 issue (PDF: 864KB)
- July 2021 issue (PDF: 827KB)
- February 2020 issue (PDF: 1,046KB)
- November 2020 issue (PDF: 638KB)
- July 2020 issue (PDF: 1,839KB)
- February 2019 issue (PDF: 802KB)
- September 2019 issue (PDF: 1,035KB)
- June 2019 issue (PDF: 1,355KB)
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