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  5. Minami Citizens' Activities and Multicultural Symbiosis Lounge

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Minami Citizens' Activities and Multicultural Symbiosis Lounge

Last updated on April 24, 2024.

What is the "Minami Citizens' Activities and Multicultural Symbiosis Lounge"?

It is a base facility for social activities, lifelong learning and multicultural coexistence.

Address: 3-46 Urafune-cho, Minami-ku, 232-0024 (Urafune Complex Welfare Facility 10F)
Phone: 045-232-9544 (Japanese)
     045-242-0888 (Foreign language: Chinese (everyday), English (Wednesday), Thai (Thursday), Tagalog (Friday))
[Fax] 045-242-0897
[Opening hours] Monday to Friday :9:00 am to 9:00 pm (consultation is until 5:00 pm)
      Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays: 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
[Closed days] Facility inspection day (third Monday of every month), New Year's holidays (December 29 to January 3)

Facility Guide Map
Guide map of Minami Citizens' Activities and Multicultural Symbiosis Lounge

Specifically, to page (outside site) of Minami citizen activity, multicultural symbiosis lounge

Event of Minami citizen activity, multicultural symbiosis lounge

The Minami Citizens' Activities and Multicultural Symbiosis Lounge offers various courses and events.
Specifically, to page (outside site) of Minami citizen activity, multicultural symbiosis lounge

About operation of Minami citizen activity, multicultural symbiosis lounge

In fiscal 2019, we selected a management outsourcing corporation for the Minami Citizen's Activities and Multicultural Symbiosis Lounge (Minami Lounge) using the open call for proposal method.
[Operating Corporation] Yokohama International Association      Contract Results (PDF: 193KB) 

Business evaluation

Based on rule of Yokohama-shi citizen collaboration regulations Article 15, we perform mutual evaluation about result of business, role allotment after the end of citizen collaboration business.

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Inquiries to this page

Minami Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-341-1235

Phone: 045-341-1235

Fax: 045-341-1240

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 137-022-126

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