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  6. Support for ICT introduction in Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations

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Support for ICT introduction in Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations

I want you to know more about Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations

Last updated on February 8, 2024.

Support the use of ICT in local activities

With the spread of the Internet and smartphones, it has become an era where you can get the information you want anytime and anywhere.
It is convenient to have a website and SNS (The Social Network) to disseminate important information about Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.
In this article, I would like to introduce some of them.

Information Dissemination Using Smartphones (SNS)

Many people use the social networking service (hereinafter SNS), where people interact on the Internet. An SNS app is convenient to send information to smartphones and users.
The following is a summary of the features of a typical app with a large number of registered users.

Characteristics of each SNS
App nameFeaturesPerson who can view

LINE (Official Account)

You can distribute text and images and chat with registrants.

Only registrants (there are many LINE registrants)

X (formerly Twitter)We can send information to those who follow Neighborhood Association Neighborhood AssociationsAnyone can see it

It is popular with young users and is suitable for image and video distribution.

Anyone can see it
FacebookBecause of the real name registration system, it is possible to use it rooted in real life with neighbors.Anyone can see it

As a general rule, all can be started free of charge (if more than 200 LINE official accounts are charged).

men and women of all ages with a smartphone
I'm waiting for you!

What kind of person do you want to send information to?
For example, people with work on weekdays, people who cannot easily go out for child care or nursing care, and families who are considering moving to your city.
I think it's good to choose what you want to use to disseminate information about Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations.
In this section, we will introduce some examples of LINE's "official LINE account" and "open chat" with a large number of registered users.

Introduction of Local Cases

Why don't you try it?

If you have any requests or inquiries regarding the use of smartphones and websites in Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, or if you would like to discuss what you can do first, please feel free to contact Planning and Adjustment Section Naka Ward Office Regional Promotion Division.
We will help you start together, such as holding study sessions and introducing instructors.
・I want a place to consult with you so that you can use your smartphone easily and safely.
・I want to learn how to use smartphones that are useful in the event of a disaster.
・There is a homepage, but it can't be used well.
・I would like to hear from Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, which makes good use of LINE and its website.
・I want to try, but I don't know what to start.…Etc.
There is also a community development Advisor Dispatch System that pays for the dispatch of instructors.

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Inquiries to this page

Naka Ward Regional Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section

Phone: 045-224-8136

Phone: 045-224-8136

Fax: 045-224-8215

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 778-486-916

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