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- Multicultural Symbiosis
- Multicultural Column ("Slightly, Otetsudai")
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Multicultural Column ("Slightly, Otetsudai")
Columns on multicultural coexistence are posted. If there is a person who is confused due to differences in lifestyle or culture, why don't you listen and say "a little bit, a little bit" from what you can do?
Last updated on March 22, 2023.
Action Plan for Promoting Multicultural Symbiosis in Naka Ward
Column 1-Park Edition-(From the August 2021 issue of Public Relations Yokohama Naka Ward)
Multicultural Column 1-Park Edition-(PDF: 1,455KB)
Column 2-Child Rearing Edition-(From the December 2021 issue of Public Relations Yokohama Naka Ward)
Multicultural Column 2-Child Care-(PDF: 1,803KB)
Column 3-Disaster Prevention Edition-(From the February 2022 issue of Public Relations Yokohama Naka Ward)
Multicultural Column 3-Disaster Prevention-(PDF: 1,684KB)
Column 4-Easy Japanese Edition-(From the September 2022 issue of Yokohamanaka Ward)
Multicultural Column 4-Easy Japanese Edition-(PDF: 2,018KB)
Column 5-Disaster Countermeasures for Pets-(From the March 2023 issue of Public Relations Yokohamanaka Ward)
Multicultural Column 5-Disaster Countermeasures for Pets-(PDF: 1,153KB)
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