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- Go to play with children
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Go to play with children
Last updated on November 20, 2023.
Here are some spots where you can go out in Sakae Ward. Please go out according to your child's age and preference.
Sakae Ward Child Care Support Guidebook NicoNico MAP
Information on child care support in Sakae Ward, including nearby parks and outing maps, is provided.
→Sakae Ward NicoNico MAP
Sakae Ward Regional Child Care Support Center
There are many uses from the age of 0, and the open space in a large space is full of toys. We offer a variety of programs, including programs tailored to growth, refresh programs for parents, and courses useful for raising children. The use of dads and the use of pre-mama pre-papa are also increasing. Please feel free to come and visit us.
→Sakae Ward Regional Child Care Support Center
Gathering open space for parents and children
It is a place where parents and children can easily drop in and relax. You can play freely with toys and picture books, and also do hand play, picture book reading and mini-programs.
OYAKO CLUB Tulip Oyako Station Hiroba (Kasama area)
→OYAKO CLUB Tulip Oyako Station Hiroba (chiiki-support-niji.com) (outside site)
OYAKO CLUB Tulip Oyako no Hiroba (Kamigo west and east districts)
→OYAKO CLUB Tulip Oyako no Hiroba (chiiki-support-niji.com) (outside site)
Child care supporter venue
Once a week at each venue, we will consider together what experienced child care supporters are worried about raising children and are worried. You can participate just by coming to play. Reservations are not required and you can enter and leave during the event period. Please feel free to contact us. Holidays and closed days of each facility (New Year's holidays, facility inspections, etc.) are closed.
→Child care supporter venue
Child care salon, open space
There are salons and open spaces in Sakae Ward where parents and children can easily gather. You can exchange information on childcare and make friends.
→Child care salon, open space
Child care event hosted by municipal nursery school
There are many events for infants and children in Sakae Ward! What is posted here is an event that anyone can participate in. I'm a little tired, I want to talk to someone, I want my child to play! It's okay for any reason! Please feel free to come and visit us.
→Child care event
District center
This facility provides a variety of activities and opportunities so that local residents can live a healthy and bright community life. The district center has a playroom that can be used free of charge for preschoolers.
→Sakae Ward District Center (outside site)
Other public facilities
Katsurayama Park Children's Log House Rocky
There are a lot of interesting playground equipment such as spiral slides and nawabashigo.
→Katsurayama Park Children's Log House Rocky (outside site)
Sakae Library
There are picture books, picture story show, child care information corner, etc. We also have a variety of conversations.
→Sakae Library
Play park
"You can play freely at your own risk." It is a free playground that values the desire of children to play and do.
Katsurayama Park Play Park
It will be held at Katsurayama Park or Kamigo Rokutancho Park.
→Katsurayama Park Play Park (Facebook) (outside site)
Yumehiroba Kanai Park Play Park
It will be held at Kanai Park.
→Yumehiroba Kanai Park Play Park (Facebook) (outside site)
Inquiries to this page
Sakae Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division
Phone: 045-894-8410
Phone: 045-894-8410
Fax: 045-894-8406
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 565-200-856