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Introduction of "GREEN x EXPO 2027 Seya Support Program"

Last updated on November 18, 2024.

In order to excite GREEN x EXPO 2027, we will support your efforts from Seya Ward!

The content of the events and business you plan to do.

1.Initiatives aimed at fostering momentum for GREEN x EXPO 2027
2.The place to carry out this event or project is in Seya Ward.

If so, please consider using it.

For example, it can be used for such efforts!

・GREEN x EXPO 2027 Public Relations Event hosted by the District Center
・Flower planting event by elementary school students and local people
・Recreation in local communities such as Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations

What's New


Program List

1 Event PR on the website of the council
 We will introduce the events you have applied for in news, websites, events hosted by the council, etc. issued by the council.

2 Use of the logo of “GREEN x EXPO 2027 Seya Support Program”
 The logo of the "GREEN x EXPO 2027 Seya Support Program" created by this council can be used for publicity of events and other events that have been applied. Logo data will be given as data after application.
[Logo image] ※The design has changed since May 2024!

3 Free distribution of flower seedlings

 We will distribute flower seedlings free of charge so that you can create flower beds while getting close to "Flower / Green", one of the themes of GREEN x EXPO 2027.



4 Use of the Name of the Council
 You can use the co-sponsorship name or sponsorship name. If you wish, you can apply in accordance with the "Office Procedures for Accepting Name Use of the Yokohama International Horticultural Expo Seya Ward Promotion Council".

※If you wish to use the name, it is necessary to be an organization or event that falls under the administrative procedures for consent to use the name in addition to the application criteria for the support program.

[Recruit] We carry out free distribution "the second" such as flower seedlings! (November 27-December 26) New!

"Flower / Green" is one of the themes of GREEN x EXPO 2027.
Why don't you make a flower bed while getting close to flowers and greenery in the local community, fill Seya, the host ward, with flowers and enliven it?
We will start recruiting for the second term!

[Distributed free of charge for making flower beds]
※In the case of a large number of applications, it will be a lottery.
※In addition, the group that was lost in the first term will be given priority.
 1 Flower seedlings
   We will distribute up to 5 cases (*) per group. (*24 seedlings per case)
   Distribution is on a case-by-case basis.
 2 Can Badge 
   The maximum limit is 30 cards per group.
   Please wear it when you make a flower bed and cooperate with PR.
 3 Flowerbed Plate
   We will distribute one piece per group.
   Please post it on the completed flowerbed and cooperate with the PR of GREEN x EXPO 2027.

[Application Schedule]
  Recruitment: November 27-December 26, 2014
  Distribution: Scheduled for late March 2025

[On Application]
  Please submit required documents by the deadline from “Procedures (Application and Performance Report)”.

For details, please refer to this flyer.

Procedures (Applications and Results Report)


[Please check first]
 The support program implemented by this council will be implemented based on the following handling guidelines.
 GREEN x EXPO 2027 Administrative Handling Guidelines for Seya Support Program (PDF: 157KB)

[About the application procedure for free distribution of flower seedlings]
 If you would like to apply for free distribution of flower seedlings, please check here.
 Application procedure for "transfer of flower seedlings" (PDF: 129KB) 

(1) About application

 Please submit the "GREEN x EXPO 2027 Seya Support Program" application form in either data or paper.

 After submission, the secretariat will confirm the contents of the application form and send a notice regarding consent and disapproval.
(2) Performance Report
 Organizations that have received consent should submit performance report documents immediately after the end of the project.

Download the documents required for the procedure

1 Event PR on the website, etc.
2 Use of support logo
3 Free distribution of flower seedlings

[Download List]
  Form nameExample of description

Style No. 1 use application (word: 17KB)

Example of description (PDF: 187KB)

Style No. 2 business plan (word: 15KB)

Example of description (PDF: 219KB)
ApplicationStyle No. 3 Group Record (word: 15KB)Example of description (PDF: 131KB)
Performance ReportStyle sixth business report (word: 16KB)Example of description (PDF: 138KB) 
Performance ReportStyle seventh conduct situation report (word: 13KB)Example of description (PDF: 242KB)

※3 When applying for free distribution of flower seedlings, etc., please submit the group rules and the list of officers of the group or documents describing the constituent officers. (This is not required when the national, local governments or other public organizations apply.)

4 Use of the Name of the Council
Application for co-sponsorship and sponsorship use (word: 22KB)

Submission address

●If you wish to submit data (email)
 [email protected]
 To the secretariat of the Seya Ward Promotion Council of Yokohama International Horticultural Expo
 Title [Application] About "program name you want to apply for" (XX organization name)

●If you wish to submit (mail or bring) in paper
 190, Futatsubashicho, Seya-ku
 37th floor on the 3rd floor of Seya Ward Office
 To the secretariat of the Seya Ward Promotion Council of Yokohama International Horticultural Expo
 FAX: 045-365-1170

Non-applicable initiatives

Based on Articles 2 and 3 of the "GREEN x EXPO 2027 Seya Support Program Administrative Guidelines", we will not accept the application for program use in the following cases.
1.The purpose is solely for profit, commercial advertising, and solicitation for activities conducted by organizations and organizations.
2.Being involved in religious, political, or election activities
3.Targeting only members of the organization
3.Others whose consent to the use of this program is deemed inappropriate
※After accepting the application, if it is found that it is an organization / initiative that does not meet the application criteria, or that it is not applicable, the consent may be canceled.

I would like to introduce everyone's efforts to foster momentum!

For the GREEN x EXPO 2027, we will publicize the announcements and achievements of events and businesses that everyone performs.


■“Hanaoto Festival 2024” Nakayashiki District Center in Yokohama
 In order to foster the momentum of GREEN x EXPO 2027, we will display local flower initiatives and sell flowers related to flowers. It is also a music festival in which local people appear. Guests will appear in the brass band at Yokohama Seya High School.

[Overview of Initiatives]
 ・Date of implementation: June 1, 2024
 ・Location: Gymnasium on the 1st floor of Nakayashiki District Center, Yokohama City
 ・Participants: Anyone can participate.
 ・Participation fee: Free of charge

[Homepage / Inquiry]
 Nakaya site district center in Yokohama city (Nakaya site district center in Yokohama)
 Phone: 045-304-3100


■Nakayashiki Community Care Plaza "Minna no Hatake"
 As a care plaza closest to the venue of GREEN x EXPO 2027, we will work with local people to create fields, harvest, grow flowers, and become a green area.

[Overview of Initiatives]
 ・Date of implementation: Every day from 10:00 to 11:30 ※Cancellation of rain
 ・Location: Nakayashiki Community Care Plaza
 ・Participants: Anyone can participate.
 ・Participation fee: Free of charge

[Homepage / Inquiry]
 Nakayashiki Community Care Plaza, Yokohama City (2-18-6 Nakayashiki, Seya-ku, Yokohama City)
 Phone: 045-303-8100

■Shimoseya Community Care Plaza, Yokohama City "Recruitment of Green Volunteers!"
 We are conducting activities to fill the care plaza premises with flowers before the International Horticultural Expo, and we are looking for gardening volunteers.

[Overview of Initiatives]
 ・Regular meetings: Every fourth Friday from 10:00 to 11:30
  Activities are held about once a week ※For detailed information, see the flyer.
 ・Location: Shimoseya Community Care Plaza, Yokohama City
 ・Participants: Anyone can participate.
 ・Participation fee: Free of charge

[Homepage / Inquiry]
 Shimoseya Community Care Plaza (2-44-6 Shimoseya, Seya-ku, Yokohama-shi)
 Phone: 045-304-1291
 Email: [email protected]

■SEYANISHI SDGs PROJECT "Flower Road Project"

[Overview of Initiatives]
 ・Date and time: Twice a year (the 5th is from 9:00 on Sunday, December 10, 2023)
 ・Meeting place: Former Seya Nishi High School
 ・Participation fee: Free of charge


■Seya Ward Sports Association The 14th Seya Ward Sports Festa
 We plan healthy upbringing and promotion of physical education sports of inhabitant of a ward and hold for the purpose of cultivating healthy, bright, heart-rich spirit through sports activity.

[Overview of Initiatives]
 ・Date and time: Sunday, October 22, 2023
 ・Location: Seya Sports Center Minamidai Ground
 ・Participants: Seya residents
 ・Participation fee: Free of charge

[Homepage / Inquiry]
 Seya Sports Center, Yokohama City: 045-302-3301
 Seya Ward Sports Association: 045-300-3047

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Inquiries to this page

Seya Ward Promotion Council Secretariat (Planning and Adjustment Section, General Affairs Department, Seya Ward),Ward Administration Promotion Division, Japan

Phone: 045-367-5632

Phone: 045-367-5632

Fax: 045-365-1170

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 244-065-009

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