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City Counsil and the Mayor

Last updated on August 1, 2023.

About how to run municipal administration so that Yokohama citizen can live comfortably in peace, citizen's opinion must be reflected enough. However, it is difficult for all citizens to discuss and decide on the administration of municipal administration, so we select "city council members" and "mayor" in the election and leave it to it.
This system is called the "dual representation system", and City Counsil is referred to as the "voting body", the mayor, the Board of Education, the Election Commission, the Personnel Commission, the Agricultural Committee, and the administrative committees of the Agricultural Committee and the Audit Committee Members are called "executive bodies."
City Counsil and the mayor are in a relationship like the two wheels of a car, which is responsible for municipal administration from an independent and equal standpoint, and we aim to realize better municipal administration that ensures fair administration and respects the will of citizens.
The mayor proposes to City Counsil about important matters in running municipal administration, such as budget proposals and ordinances that can be said to be laws of the city. City Counsil deliberates and decides on them. The mayor operates the municipal administration based on the decision.

Figure on the roles of City Counsil and the Mayor

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