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  7. Yokohama City Urban Planning Master Plan Totsuka Ward Plan “Tozuka Town Development”

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Yokohama City Urban Planning Master Plan Totsuka Ward Plan “Tozuka Town Development”

Last updated on March 11, 2025.

What is the City Planning Master Plan?

The city planning master plan is a "basic policy on city planning of municipalities" based on the City Planning Act. The composition of the Yokohama City Urban Planning Master Plan is based on the "whole design" and the "regional design", and is composed of two types as regional plans, "ward plan" and more detailed "district plan".
The ward plan shows the future image of the ward, which is an administrative unit close to the citizens, and shows the basic policy in promoting town development in collaboration with citizens. Based on contents as guideline of city planning of the whole Yokohama-shi listed in overall design, we list necessary matter about future image of ward and policy of town development, policy of land use every ward. The district plan plays a role as one of the tools to determine according to the actual situation of the district in districts that need to show more detailed city planning policies in promoting concrete town development. There are two district plans in Totsuka Ward: the Yokohama City Urban Planning Master Plan Odoriba District Plan and the Yokohama City Urban Planning Master Plan Maioka District Plan.


Yokohama City Urban Planning Master Plan Totsuka Ward Plan “Tozuka Town Development” (March 2018)

The “Yokohama City Urban Planning Master Plan Totsuka Ward Plan“ Tozuka Town Development ”” was formulated in 2001, and more than 15 years have passed since then, and the social situation has changed, including the aging of the population and the further progress of global warming. In addition, in 2013, the "Yokohama City Urban Planning Master Plan All City Plan" was revised as the "Yokohama City Urban Planning Master Plan Overall Plan", and during this time, plans for each field have been formulated and revised. Against this backdrop, the Totsuka Ward Plan was revised on March 23, 2018.
You can download the revised Totsuka Ward Plan here. (PDF format)

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Cover, Table of Contents (PDF: 908KB)
Chapter 1 "Town Development in Tozuka" About Yokohama-shi city planning master plan Totsuka Ward plan (PDF: 1,709KB)
Chapter 2 History, Current Status and Issues of Totsuka Ward (PDF: 7,957KB)
Chapter 3 Future Towns (PDF: 1,683KB)
Chapter 4 Policy by Category (PDF: 4,965KB)
Chapter 5 Policy of Town Development Utilizing the uniqueness of Tozuka (PDF: 4,896KB)
Chapter 6 Toward the Realization of the Plan (PDF: 1,036KB)
Related Glossary (PDF: 1,233KB)

The revised Totsuka Ward Plan distributes booklets at the following locations (the number is limited).
・Ward Administration Promotion Division (93rd window) on the 9th floor of the Totsuka Ward Office General Government Building
・Regional Centers in Totsuka Ward
・City Hall (1st floor citizen information center, 6th floor Urban Development Bureau area town development section)

Thank you for receiving various opinions and suggestions from citizens in proceeding with the revision. .
Please refer to the following for details.

Revised draft of the Totsuka Ward Plan (July 2017)

The main part of the revised draft can be downloaded here. (PDF format)

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Cover, Table of Contents (PDF: 599KB)
Chapter 1 "Town Development in Tozuka" About Yokohama-shi city planning master plan Totsuka Ward plan (PDF: 1,709KB)
Chapter 2 History, Current Status and Issues of Totsuka Ward (PDF: 7,957KB)
Chapter 3 Future Towns (PDF: 1,683KB)
Chapter 4 Policy by Category (PDF: 4,965KB)
Chapter 5 Policy of Town Development Utilizing the uniqueness of Tozuka (PDF: 4,896KB)
Chapter 6 Toward the Realization of the Plan (PDF: 1,036KB)
Related Glossary (PDF: 847KB)

Request for Opinion on Revised Draft (July 20, 2017 to August 3, 2017)

→ It's finished. Thank you very much.
※Please see the following about opinion that we had and way of thinking of Motoichi for it.

"Yokohama-shi city planning master plan Totsuka Ward plan town development of Tozuka" revised original bill (PDF: 265KB)
About conduct result of citizen opinion offer (PDF: 265KB)

Revised draft of the Totsuka Ward Plan (December 2016)

The main part of the revised draft can be downloaded here. (PDF format)

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Cover Table of Contents (PDF: 460KB)
Chapter 1 "Town Development in Tozuka" About Yokohama-shi city planning master plan Totsuka Ward plan (PDF: 1,020KB)
Chapter 2 History, Current Status and Issues of Totsuka Ward (PDF: 3,195KB)
Chapter 3 Future Towns (PDF: 1,417KB)
Chapter 4 Policy by Category (PDF: 1,530KB)
Chapter 5 Policy of Town Development Utilizing the uniqueness of Tozuka (PDF: 1,272KB)
Chapter 6 Toward the Realization of the Plan (PDF: 577KB)
Related Glossary (PDF: 606KB)

Request for Opinion on Revised Draft (December 12, 2016 to January 31, 2017)

→ It's finished. Thank you very much.
※Please see the following about opinion that we had and way of thinking of Motoichi for it.

"Yokohama-shi city planning master plan Totsuka Ward plan" town development of Tozuka "" revised draft (PDF: 639KB)
About conduct result of citizen opinion offer (PDF: 639KB)

Held a briefing on the revised draft (December 2016)

→ It's finished. Thank you very much for your participation.

Date and time: From 10:00 on Saturday, December 17, 2016
From 19:00 on Wednesday, December 21, 2016
Location: In multi-purpose space on the 3rd floor of the Totsuka Ward General Government Building

District town development plan

Totsuka Ward has formulated a plan for community development that is familiar to residents of the city.
In district town development plan, local people and ward office make plan and are going to lead to subsequent town development activity.

District town development plan

<Inquiries regarding the Totsuka Ward Plan>

Totsuka Ward Office Ward Administration Promotion Division
Address: 16-17 Totsuka-cho, Totsuka-ku, Totsuka-ku, Yokohama 244-0003
Phone: 045-866-8326 Fax: 045-862-3054
E-mail: [email protected]

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Inquiries to this page

Totsuka Ward Office Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-866-8326

Phone: 045-866-8326

Fax: 045-862-3054

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 246-489-182

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