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FY2024 Totsuka Ward Management Policy

Last updated on May 13, 2024.

We have formulated the Totsuka Ward Management Policy for FY2024.

We have formulated the Totsuka Ward Management Policy for FY2024, which outlines Totsuka Ward's basic goals and initiatives to achieve them. I would like to introduce the details.

Management Policy PDF version

The Totsuka Ward Management Policy for FY2024 is viewed and distributed at Ward Administration Promotion Division, 93rd floor on the 9th floor of the Totsuka Ward Office.

I Basic Targets

A smile that leads to a rich heart and a healthy smile

Everyone involved in Tozuka, who lives, learns, works, and visits, is full of smiles and promotes the development of towns where people who want to live and want to continue living. .
We will enliven Tozuka with the slogan "dynamism" so that we can develop and promote activities and initiatives that have begun to move again.
We value connections between people and support a wide range of activities in the community, including the health and welfare fields such as child care support, while also working on disaster prevention and anti-crime program to realize a town where everyone can live safely and with peace of mind.

Ⅱ Measures to achieve the targets

We promote the next 1-5 measures for realization of "town Yokohama which brought up the next generation that brought up child care together" which is basic strategy of Yokohama-shi medium-term plan.

Measure 1 Town development that connects people

Measure 2 Town development that can realize safety and security

Measure 3 Town development where everyone can live in their own health

Measure 4 Creating a vibrant and attractive town

Measure 5 Creating a ward office that is trusted and familiar to inhabitants of a ward

For the success of the 2027 International Horticultural Expo "GREEN x EXPO 2027", the ward office will work together to work on public relations PR that reaches the inhabitants of the ward.

Ⅲ Organizational management to achieve the goals

Based on the "Basic Policy for Administrative Management," "Financial Vision," and "Yokohama DX Strategy," we will focus on the following points.

We value citizen's point of view and provide administrative services that satisfy everyone.

Promote cooperation and collaboration with local communities and work on solving problems with a sense of speed.

We will enhance our team strength and aim to be a ward office that is trusted by everyone as a whole organization.

Major Businesses and Initiatives

1 Town development that connects people

Promotion of “collaboration” and “co-creation” with local communities

◆We will work together to solve local issues such as the Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations and local organizations.
◆In addition to holding the community development Step-Up Course, we will promote the creation of local communities and the creation of connections through the use of local digital technologies.
◆Inhabitants of a ward make "Tozuka contact inhabitant of a ward festival" the leading role, we promote lively local exchange, and foster local love of inhabitants of a ward.

Promotion of healthy youth development

・We support group performing local activity and event that youth can participate in, and ward and area cooperate and plan promotion of healthy upbringing of youth.

Regeneration of the row of cherry trees in the Kashio River

◆In order to pass on the landscape of the row of cherry trees along the Kashio River, a symbol of Totsuka Ward, to the future, we will work with local residents to formulate a plan to regenerate the conservation along the Kashio River. In addition, we push forward approach that utilized oldness and tax payment system for reproduction construction of row of cherry tree in future.

2 Town development where people can feel safety and security

Initiatives for Disaster Prevention and reduce disaster damage

◆We will strengthen public relations and dissemination of be prepared for disaster, including the installation of seismic breakers and emergency wells, with reference to the situation of large-scale disasters such as the Noto Peninsula Earthquake.
◆We will work to improve the disaster prevention capabilities of local communities such as disaster prevention organizations in Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations and evacuation shelter.
◆In order to capture disasters as personal matters, we will visualize flood risks in the area by installing the Marugoto Town hazard map on telephone poles and send disaster prevention information on route buses.
◆Aiming for a smooth response in the event of a disaster, we will work to strengthen the ward headquarters system and medical system.

Regional anti-crime program Road Safety Measures

◆In addition to supporting the neighborhood watch, we are working to raise awareness of anti-crime program by holding events such as the anti-crime program patrol, which is held by local residents at the same time as running and walking.
◆We carry out traffic safety enlightenment by promotion of school zone security measures activity of each elementary school in ward and traffic safety classroom conduct.

Efforts to protect the safety of food and living

◆We conduct educational activities and provide information on food poisoning, infectious disease prevention, and substance abuse prevention.
◆We will inform pet owners of the need to prepare for disasters and raise awareness of the acceptance of pets in evacuation shelter.

Maintenance and development of sustainable infrastructure

◆We will promote expansion and reorganization of bus centers and new traffic regulations to alleviate traffic congestion around stations in cooperation with related organizations such as police department.
◆In addition to promoting barrier-free facilities for inhabitants of the ward and LED lighting, we will respond promptly to natural disasters and infectious disease countermeasures.

3 Town development where everyone can live in their own health

Uninterrupted and powerful child-rearing support

◆We support the growth of children without interruption, such as parent classrooms during pregnancy, baby classrooms, consultation for children from infants to adolescents, and implementation of childcare courses.
◆We provide local child care information and places to stay with local child care support groups and support and watch the child's growth throughout the region.

Living support for the elderly and disabled

◆We will build a gentle watching (Yurumori) system that cooperates with community care plazas and ward offices to provide support so that elderly people can continue to live in the area without isolation.
◆In cooperation with community care plazas, etc., we provide dissemination and enlightenment of knowledge about mental health welfare and mental health and provide a place for gathering.

Health promotion for a wide range of generations

◆We expand place, opportunity of health promotion of inhabitant of a ward including food education classroom of infant, enlightenment of tooth and oral care, approach for specific medical examination consultation.
◆For the working and child-raising generations, we will hold a "Slow Jogging®" course that allows people who are not good at exercising or busy people to easily work.

Promotion of the Totsuka Heart Plan (Totsuka Ward Community Welfare and Health Plan)

◆We perform investigation for plan development according to ward, district of the fifth Totsuka Heart Plan (Reiwa 8-2012).

4 Creating a vibrant and attractive town

Promotion of revitalization of small and medium-sized businesses and shopping streets

◆We will support the revitalization of the local economy by holding the "Tozuka Monozukuri Boasting Exhibition" and conducting workshops for small and medium-sized businesses in the city.

Creating the charm and liveliness of the town

◆Through street live, inhabitant of a ward hall concert, music exchange open space, etc., we will send out the charm of "Music Town and Tsuka".
◆Through the "Totsuka Post Office Festival" and the history guidebook, we will introduce the history centered on the former Tokaido Tozuka-juku and deepen our attachment to Tozuka.
◆With the “Paris 2024 Olympic and Paralympic Games” as an opportunity, we will hold sports experience sessions including inclusive sports to raise the interest of residents in sports.

Fostering momentum toward GREEN x EXPO 2027, creating a decarbonized society, and environmentally friendly town

◆While promoting the development of beautiful towns with flowers, for the success of the 2027 International Horticultural Expo "GREEN x EXPO 2027", we will take every opportunity and work together on public relations PR that reaches the inhabitants of the ward as a whole .
◆In order to realize a decarbonized society and environmentally friendly town development, we will carry out dissemination and enlightenment to a wide range of people using various tools, such as SDGs booklets and videos, and "Fuel Cell Vehicles" at the ward office.

5. Creating a ward office that is trusted and loved by inhabitants of a ward

Effective and easy-to-understand public relations

◆Effectively utilize digital tools such as paper media and SNS, we will deliver ward administration information that is familiar to residents and easy to understand to all generations.
◆Utilizing the method of nudges, we will provide easy-to-understand information on city taxes and fund transfer procedures through videos.

Improvement of window services

◆Information on congestion at ward office counters on the Web using digital technology ("Totsuka Ward window!" We will promote the creation of a convenient and comfortable ward office by providing services and improving the manners of staff.

Efforts of each section

Family Registry Division

We welcome you as it will be the first ward office window for those who will be transferred to Totsuka Ward.
Think from the customer's point of view, explain carefully in easy-to-understand words, and aim to improve the inhabitants' satisfaction with accurate and prompt responses.
In addition, each and every staff member recognizes the importance of protecting personal information again and engages in daily work.

Insurance & Pension Section

As a familiar contact point for the National Health Insurance, medical expenses Grants, National Pension Plan (Kokumin Nenkin), etc., we will provide accurate and easy-to-understand explanations and strive to reduce waiting time.
We will have a high awareness of compliance and ensure that we work on qualification management, various benefits, and the levy and collection of insurance premiums.
In addition, in order to prevent lifestyle-related diseases, we will strive to improve the rate of specific medical examinations.

Elderly and Disabled Support Division

In response to consultations from the elderly and the disabled, we will provide accurate and prompt system operation and support.
In addition, in cooperation with area, cooperation company, cooperation organization, we push forward watching of elderly person, person with a disability and promote construction of local comprehensive care system.

Children and Families Support Division

Aiming at "a town that has raised children and a town that nurtures the next generation together", we will promote health and welfare initiatives.
We value the connection between people and provide support from pregnancy so that we can give birth and raise children with peace of mind.
We perform polite correspondence so that inhabitants of a ward can talk comfortably at window.

Nursery schools (Kawakami, Gumizawa, Harajuku)

Aiming to improve the quality of childcare by cooperating with childcare and educational facilities and related organizations to exchange children between facilities and conduct training for nursery teachers (childcare resource network construction project), and create the following nursery schools Work on
・Nursery schools full of smiles that respect children's independence
・Nursery schools that nurture experiences and sensibilities that resonate with the heart in a safe and secure environment
・Home and meticulous nursery schools in line with the eyes of children and parents
・Nursery schools that enjoy the growth of children together, grow up, and connect people with each other.
・Nursery schools that support local children and child-rearing families together

Health and Welfare Division

In order to expand the circle of connections and support in the community, we will promote the "4th Totsuka Heart Plan" and work on the development of the 5th plan.
We will promote health promotion in the community and respond to infectious diseases, Vaccinations, cancer screening, and disaster relief money.

Health Sanitation Division

We will steadily conduct inspections of hygiene-related facilities such as food handling facilities, pharmaceutical handling facilities, and hairdressing salons.
We perform correct information about hygiene of living including thing about food poisoning prevention and pet breeding manners, extermination of pest to realize safe, comfortable living of inhabitants of a ward.

Life Support Division

We will listen carefully to those who are in trouble with their lives or those who find it difficult to live in between systems, and work closely with each individual situation to provide appropriate support such as the social security and the independence support system for the poor in life.

Tax Affairs Division

We perform taxation and collection such as personal residence tax and property tax fairly and appropriately.
In addition to thorough handling and management of tax information and personal information, we also provide accurate and polite contact points such as issuing tax certificates and tax consultation.
In addition, we push forward approach for duties efficiency and inhabitant of a ward service improvement.

Ward's Treasurer's Office

In income and expenditure procedures pertaining to duties of ward, we perform accurate and prompt examination.
Through appropriate advice to each section, we aim for proper execution of accounting treatment.

Public Works Office Tozuka

We will work on maintenance and improvement of roads, parks, rivers, and sewers to protect safe and secure lives.
We will promote disaster prevention measures to protect Tozuka from natural disasters.
Through collaboration with the local community, we will promote Garden City Yokohama and foster momentum for GREEN x EXPO 2027.

Ward Administration Promotion Division

We send ward administration information to inhabitants of a ward clearly in various ways in a timely and effective manner. We make use of voice of inhabitant of a ward in approach and plan and work on problem solution and creation of new value and bring up local connection and push forward sustainable town development.
In addition, we will promote understanding of special cities and foster momentum for holding GREEN x EXPO 2027.

Community Promotion Section

We work with inhabitants of a ward and work on town development that anyone can live with a smile richly while deepening local bond.
In addition, we will work with people who are active in various fields to create a vibrant and attractive community development where people can feel safe and secure.

General Affairs Section

 We will promote disaster prevention and reduce disaster damage initiatives to protect the safety and security of residents.
 We will strive to formulate budgets that accurately capture changes in local issues and social conditions, and execute them appropriately.
 We strive for proper execution of election affairs and appropriate execution of various statistical surveys.

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Inquiries to this page

Totsuka Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-866-8327

Phone: 045-866-8327

Fax: 045-862-3054

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 592-075-938

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