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Businesses that recommend procedures by mail

Last updated on March 5, 2024.

In order to avoid congestion at the counter, we will inform you about businesses that recommend procedures by mail. As there is business that procedure by mail other than business listed, please refer to each section in detail.

List of procedures that can be mailed
In charge Contents Inquiries Destination

Family register

Requests for a family register certificate, such as a copy of your family register, an abstract, and a resident registration certificate, such as a copy of the resident certificate.

Yokohama City Mail Request Office

Phone: 222-4900

1-1-56, Sakuragicho, Naka-ku
Yokohama City Mail Request Office
※You can't request a seal certificate by mail.

Transfer from Totsuka Ward to outside the city

Registration Section
Phone: 866-8335

16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku
Totsuka Ward Office Family Registry Division Transfer Notification


Proof of city tax

①City Tax Section
Phone: 866-8351

②Land Section
Phone: 866-8361

③Tax Receipt Section
Phone: 866-8381

16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku
Totsuka Ward Office Tax Division
①City Tax Section
Proof of municipal tax and prefectural tax (non-taxable)
②Land Section
Certificate of fixed assets (evaluation certificate, public dues certificate, name book, etc.)
③Tax Receipt Section
Certificate of tax payment

Declaration of personal municipal tax and prefectural tax

City Tax Section
Phone: 866-8351

16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku
Totsuka Ward Office Tax Division City Tax Section

Old age and disability Application procedure for certification of The Long-term Care Insurance (needs nursing care and support required)

The Long-term Care Insurance

Phone: 866-8452

16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku
Totsuka Ward Office Elderly and Disabled Support Division The Long-term Care Insurance

Application for Mental Handicapped Health and Welfare Handbook

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Mental Outpatient Medical Care and Notebook Processing Center
Phone: 671-3623
Reception hours: 9-17:00
※Excluding weekends, holidays, holidays, and New Year's holidays


6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku

Health and Social Welfare Bureau Mental Outpatient Medical Care and Notebook Processing Center

Application for independence support medical care (psychiatric outpatient medical care)
Application for specific medical expenses (designated incurable disease) grant Elderly and Disabled Support Section
Phone: 866-8429

1-1-56, Sakuragicho, Naka-ku, Yokohama-shi
Minato Mirai 21 Clean Center
Health and Social Welfare Bureau Health Services Division, incurable disease

Children and pregnant people

Request and Notification of Child Allowance

Child and Youth Bureau
Child and Family Division Allowance Payment Section
Phone: 641-8411

Child and Youth Bureau Children's Home Division
Benefits Section (in charge of Child Allowance)

Application for subsidies for Health Checkups Pregnant Women

Child and Youth Bureau

Child and Family Division Parent and Child Health Section

Phone: 671-2455

6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku
Child and Youth Bureau Children's Home Division
Parent and Child Health Section Pregnant Women Health Checkup

Application for subsidies for newborn hearing tests

6-50-10, Honcho, Naka-ku
Child and Youth Bureau Children's Home Division
Parent and Child Health Section Newborn Hearing Test

Application for admission to daycare centers

In charge of childcare
Phone: 866-8467

16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku
Totsuka Ward Office Children and Families Support Division Childcare Manager

Insurance, pension

Application for National Health Insurance high medical costs

Phone: 866-8450

Please write required items on the application form you sent, seal, enclose it in a reply envelope, and mail it.

Application for expensive nursing care services in The Long-term Care Insurance
Application for high-priced medical care and high-cost nursing care combined medical expenses

16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku
Totsuka Ward Office Insurance and Pension Division Benefits

※Please write required items on the application form you sent, seal, and mail it.
Application for high medical costs Medical System for Elderly Seniors
Notification of grant, re-grant, change of Medical Certificate for infant, child medical expenses, single-parent homes, etc., medical expenses, severely disabled medical expenses grant application 〒244-0003
16-17, Takatsuka-cho, Takatsuka-ku
Takatsuka Ward Office Insurance and Pension Division Benefits
Other procedures that allow you to apply by mail in Insurance and Pension Division

National Health Insurance Section
Phone: 866-8449

Phone: 866-8450

Tax Receipt Section
Phone: 866-8446

16-17, Takatsuka-cho, Takatsuka-ku
Insurance and Pension Division, Takatsuka Ward Office
Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations Application of local activity promotion subsidy and results report (outside site) Regional Activies Section
Phone: 866-8412

16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku
Totsuka Ward Office Regional Promotion Division

Document presentation about town development business subsidy without crime anti-crime program
Phone: 866-8415

16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku
Totsuka Ward Office Regional Promotion Division anti-crime program

Application and results report of the town's disaster prevention organization activity subsidy

General Affairs Section Disaster Prevention Officer
Phone: 866-8307

16-17, Totsukacho, Totsuka-ku
Totsuka Ward Office General Affairs Division

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Page ID: 944-468-912

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