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For Reiwa 5 (2023)
Last updated on December 1, 2023.
About holding such as events published in public information Yokohama
Events listed in the public relations Yokohama may be canceled or postponed due to COVID-19 infection's efforts to prevent the spread of the event. When participating in the event, please check the website in advance or check the status of the event with the contact information listed on the page.
Catalog Pocket, a public relations paper browsing service
Public information Yokohama Tsurumi Ward version has been available for catalog pockets since April 2022 issue.
Catalog Pocket is a service that allows you to view public relations papers from your smartphone or PC. By converting the public relations paper into an e-book, the text in the article will pop up and make it easier to read, as well as functions such as text-to-speech and multilingual automatic translation can be used.
Please refer to the public relations paper browsing service "Catalog Pocket" for details on how to use it.
December 2023 issue
Cover: I want to protect the city where you live
Read the December issue (outside site)
Please check here for information on cancellation of Ken (examination) examinations and classrooms.
December issue (voice version) download: zip format (file: 40,979KB)
December issue (text version) download (text file: 35KB)
November 2023 issue
Cover: Every time I read it together, my heart grows up
Read the November issue (outside site)
Please check here for information on cancellation of Ken (examination) examinations and classrooms.
November issue (voice version) download: zip format (file: 39,723KB)
November issue (text version) download (text file: 36KB)
October 2023 issue
Cover: There is an unforgettable moment
Read the October issue (outside site)
Please check here for information on cancellation of Ken (examination) examinations and classrooms.
October issue (voice version) download: zip format (file: 39,809KB)
October issue (text version) download (text file: 35KB)
September 2023 issue
Cover: I'll never shine like myself
Read the September issue (outside site)
Please check here for information on cancellation of Ken (examination) examinations and classrooms.
September issue (voice version) Download: zip format (file: 39,498KB)
September issue (text version) download (text file: 36KB)
August 2023 issue
Cover: The exciting summer is waiting for you.
Read the August issue (outside site)
Please check here for information on cancellation of Ken (examination) examinations and classrooms.
August issue (voice version) Download: zip format (file: 42,874KB)
August issue (text version) download (text file: 37KB)
July 2023 issue
Cover: The joy of eating, the joy of making
Read the July issue (outside site)
Please check here for information on cancellation of Ken (examination) examinations and classrooms.
July issue (voice version) download: zip format (file: 39,053KB)
July issue (text version) download (text file: 34KB)
June 2023 issue
Cover: Tsurumi, a town that has lived forever
Read the June issue (outside site)
Please check here for information on cancellation of Ken (examination) examinations and classrooms.
June issue (voice version) download: zip format (file: 24,682KB)
June issue (text version) download (text file: 22KB)
May 2023 issue
Cover: In the wind
Read the May issue (outside site)
Please check here for information on cancellation of Ken (examination) examinations and classrooms.
May issue (voice version) Download: zip format (file: 37,840KB)
May issue (text version) download (text file: 35KB)
April 2023 issue
Cover: Because I like this town that smells spring
Read the April issue (outside site)
Please check here for information on cancellation of Ken (examination) examinations and classrooms.
April issue (voice version) download: zip format (file: 3,872KB)
April issue (text version) download (text file: 24KB)
April issue (PDF version) download (PDF: 3,069KB)
March 2023 issue
Special Feature We have begun to stock up on instants that are always useful.
Read the March issue (outside site)
Please check here for information on cancellation of Ken (examination) examinations and classrooms.
March issue (voice version) download: zip format (file: 38,669KB)
March issue (text version) download (text file: 36KB)
February 2023 issue
Topics: Let's Know Ai Net More The 17th Tsurumi-Ainetto Promotion Forum
Read the February issue (outside site)
Please check here for information on cancellation of Ken (examination) examinations and classrooms.
February issue (voice version) download: zip format (file: 26,907KB)
February issue (text version) download (text file: 24KB)
January 2023 issue
Special Feature Tour around Tsurumi Mystery Solving Park
Read the January issue (outside site)
Please check here for information on cancellation of Ken (examination) examinations and classrooms.
January issue (voice version) download: zip format (file: 39,953KB)
January issue (text version) download (text file: 36KB)
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Tsurumi Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division
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Page ID: 233-078-919