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  5. [Tsurumi Ward] We are recruiting fiscal year appointment staff (General Affairs Division 2025 Recruitment Election Administration Aid Registration System)

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[Tsurumi Ward] We are recruiting fiscal year appointment staff (General Affairs Division 2025 Recruitment Election Administration Aid Registration System)

Last updated on March 19, 2025.

The Tsurumi Ward Fiscal Year Appointment Staff (Election Assistance) registers the desired working conditions in advance and, if the execution of the election is decided during fiscal 2025, selects from among the registrants through interviews, etc. to determine the appointment.
If you wish to register, please check the following items and submit the registration form to Tsurumi Ward Office General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section or register via the electronic application system.


(1) Administrative assistance related to general election operations
  (Preparation and sorting of voting and voting items, reception of briefing sessions, assistance for setting up venues, assistance for absentee voting, telephone and inquiries, etc.)
(2) In addition, disaster response operations in the event of a large-scale disaster
  (Basically an auxiliary work, only during working hours)


Fiscal year appointment staff stipulated in Article 22-2 of the Local Public Service Act


(1) Those who are aware of being a public servant stipulated by the Local Public Service Act and are not involved in election campaigns or political activities during the appointment period
※Political acts are restricted under the Local Public Service Act, the Public Office Election Law, and the Political Funds Control Law.
※Please refer to the “Attachment” (PDF: 268KB) for the provisions of each law.
Local Public Service Act
・Article 36, paragraph 1 (involvement in political organizations), paragraph 2 (political acts with political purposes), and paragraph 3 (request for political acts)
[Public Office Election Law]
・Article 89 and Article 90 (Restrictions on Candidates)
・Article 136 (election campaign for specified public servants)
・Article 136-2 (election campaigns based on the use of status, etc.)
・Article 239-2 (ground culture act)
※Regulations on which the general public wear (Article 129 (advance movement), Article 138 (door-to-door visits), Article 138-2 (signature movement), etc.)
The Political Funds Control Law
・Article 22-9, Paragraph 1 (Involvement in donations related to political activities, etc.), Paragraph 2 (Request for Prohibited Acts)
(2) Those who are interested in or have experience in election-related work
(3) Those who can respond to counters and telephone calls
(4) Do not fall under disqualifications related to recruitment stipulated in Article 16, etc. of the Local Public Service Act
[Reason for disqualification]
In the event of disqualification for recruitment stipulated in Article 16 of the Local Public Service Act, etc., the appointment of the fiscal year appointment staff cannot be made.
Oh, person who is sentenced to imprisonment or higher and is sentenced to the end of the execution or until the execution is no longer received
(A) Persons who have received disciplinary dismissal as a Yokohama City employee and have not passed two years from the date of the disposition.
C) A person who is in the position of a member of the Human Resources Committee or Equity Committee and has been sentenced to imprisonment for committing a crime prescribed in Chapter 5 of the Local Public Service Act
(D) Political parties or other parties that claim to destroy the Constitution of Japan or the government enacted under it by violence after the date of enforcement of the Constitution of Japan
A person who has formed or joined an organization
(E) A person who is to be based on the previous example pursuant to the provisions of Article 3, Paragraph 3 of the Supplementary Provisions of the Act Revision of Part of the Civil Code (Act No. 149 of 1999)

Working conditions, etc.

(1) Appointment period
Within 5 days a week, including Saturdays and Sundays from about one month before the voting day to about 10 days after the voting day
※The work date will be determined at a later date.
(2) Working hours
①From 9:00 to 17:00 (1 hour break)
②From 11:00 to 19:00 (1 hour break)
③From 20:00 to 22:00
(3) Work location
Tsurumi Ward Office General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section
(4) Salary
①9,632 yen per day (1,376 yen per hour)
②9,632 yen per day (1,376 yen per hour)
③2,752 yen per day (1,376 yen per hour)
※In addition, commuting expenses will be paid.
※The amount of compensation may be changed due to the revision of the system.
(5) Others
・You may join employment insurance depending on the number of working days.
・Other working conditions are based on related regulations such as the regulations about salary and expense compensation of staff appointed in Yokohama-shi fiscal year.

Flow of application and selection for registration

(1) You can register in one of the following ways.
 ※The expiration date of the appointment request registration is until March 31, 2026 (Tuesday).
 ①Submit “Registration Form” with required items to the next application by bringing or mailing.
 [Application] 3-20-1 Tsurumi Chuo, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama 230-0051
      Tsurumi Ward Office General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section (5th floor, 4th window)
 ②Application using the electronic application system
  [Application Form] (External site)
  You can register from here.
(2) As soon as the election is decided, we will inform registrants who meet the conditions about the conduct of the interview selection individually.
(3) Please bring or submit the “Application for Fiscal Year Appointment Staff and Resume” by mail, and conduct an interview.
(4) After the interview selection, we will inform you of the results of the selection.
(5) If you are hired as a result of the selection, we will perform the appointment procedure as an appointment staff for the fiscal year.

Registration documents, etc.


(1) Registration does not guarantee appointment. If you register and do not meet the desired working conditions, we will not contact you regarding the screening of interviews.
(2) If the execution of the election is not decided in Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama-shi during 2025, the list registration will be invalidated.
(3) If the 2025 budget is not voted on by the Yokohama City Council, it may not be adopted even if it passes the selection.
(4) Documents submitted for this registration and selection will not be returned.

Handling of Personal Information

The submitted electronic documents, documents, and personal information contained therein will be used only for the purpose of registration and selection of Tsurumi Ward Fiscal Year 2025, and will be destroyed promptly after the expiration of the retention period as administrative documents.
However, the personal information of the appointed person shall be used for the purpose of employment management during the appointment period, and after the appointment, it will be destroyed immediately after the expiration of the retention period.

Application and contact information

Tsurumi Ward Office General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section
(4th window, 5th floor, Tsurumi Ward Office, 3-20-1 Tsurumi Chuo, Tsurumi-ku, 230-0051, Japan)
TEL 045-510-1660
FAX 045-510-1889

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Inquiries to this page

Tsurumi Ward General Affairs Department General Affairs Division Statistics and Elections Section

Phone: 045-510-1660

Phone: 045-510-1660

Fax: 045-510-1889

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 994-411-691

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