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3 Industries

Last updated on February 5, 2024.

(1) Business Sites

●Number of private business establishments and employees

 In 2021, Tsurumi Ward had 10,339 private establishments, the fourth largest among the 18 wards, following Naka Ward, Kohoku Ward and Nishi Ward. The number of employees is 112,317, the fifth largest after Nishi Ward, Naka Ward, Kohoku Ward and Kanagawa Ward.


※The number of business establishments includes details of the business.

Materials: 2021 Economic Census-Activity Survey

● (Tsurumi Ward, Yokohama, Japan) Number of Private Business Sites

 Tsurumi Ward's private establishments comprise wholesale and retail, construction, accommodation and food service services, and medical and welfare services.
 Yokohama City has 6,013 manufacturing sites, accounting for 4.2%, while Tsurumi Ward manufacturing accounts for 747 sites, accounting for 7.2%. About one-eighth of Yokohama's manufacturing establishments are located in Tsurumi Ward, indicating that Tsurumi Ward has a high percentage of manufacturing.

※The number of business establishments includes details of the business.

Materials: 2021 Economic Census-Activity Survey

Open data

(2) Commerce

● Percentage of annual product sales by industry category

 Tsurumi Ward has a high percentage of machinery and equipment in the wholesale business, and a high percentage of food and drink in the retail business. In addition, annual product sales amounted to approximately 583.5 billion yen, ranking seventh out of 18 wards.

Materials: 2021 Economic Census-Activity Survey

●Number of Offices, Number of Employees, and Annual Product Sales

Number of Offices, Number of Employees, and Annual Product Sales
  Number of Stores

Number of Employees (People)

Annual product sales
(Millions of yen)

Annual products
Order of Sales

Total number Wholesale business Retailing
Yokohama-shi 19,245 4,905 14,340 237,013 10,721,961  
Tsurumi Ward 1,306 345 961 13,425 583,474 7th place
Kanagawa Ward 1,356 522 834 18,454 1,410,855 3rd place
Nishi Ward 1,870 416 1,454 27,200 1,615,205 No. 1
Naka Ward 2,086 677 1,409 19,050 1,101,802 No. 4
Minami Ward 853 196 657 7,088 162,578 16th place
Konan Ward 906 126 780 12,073 304,318 10th place
Hodogaya Ward 746 156 590 7,470 294,979 11th place
Asahi Ward 822 136 686 9,512 216,137 13th place
Isogo Ward 606 114 492 6,789 155,447 17th place
Kanazawa Ward 980 266 714 11,059 430,061 8th place
Kohoku Ward 1,877 679 1,198 28,928 1,598,857 2nd place
Midori Ward 642 138 504 7,894 272,569 12th place
Aoba Ward 1,294 192 1,102 14,917 392,447 9th place
Tsuzuki Ward   1,496 438 1,058 22,604 973,445 5th place
Totsuka Ward 1,027 208 819 14,649 773,949 6th place
Sakae Ward 303 63 240 2,917 72,659 18th place
Izumi Ward 534 103 431 6,725 163,343 15th place
Seya Ward 541 130 411 6,259 199,835 14th place

Materials: 2021 Economic Census-Activity Survey

Open data

(3) Industry

 Tsurumi Ward has supported Japan's heavy industry as the core of the Keihin Industrial Zone. The number of business establishments peaked at 1,096 in 1973, decreased to 323 in 2020, about 30% of the peak, and the number of employees exceeded 60,000. Even today, it still accounts for an important position in the industry in Yokohama City.

● Number of Offices and Employees


● Manufactured product shipment value, etc.


Materials: 2020 Industrial Statistics Survey (for establishments with 4 or more employees)

Open data

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