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Tsuzuki Ward   tree

Last updated on May 10, 2024.

Tsuzuki Ward   is a city where satoyama, which is blessed with lush nature and is now valuable, is dotted near you.
In 1999, Tsuzuki Ward   established Tsuzuki Ward  's trees in order to convey and nurture the wonderfulness and importance of the satoyama in the future.

Wood of satoyama
Mountain maple

(Land Leaves: maple)
In autumn, it shows beautiful autumn leaves and yellow leaves.

Mountain maple
wild cherry tree(yamazakura: Rosaceae)
It is a representative of the wild cherry tree.
In spring, light red white petals add color to the coppice forest.
wild cherry tree
konara oak(konara oak: Beech family)
I have a lot of deciduous tree in Tsuzuki Ward  .
In the past, it was used for firewood and charcoal to sprout again even after logging.
Beetles and stag beetles gather in the sap.
konara oak
Side(Four hands: Cavalinaceae)
It was also called "Soro" and was used for firewood charcoal like konara oak.
On the south side of the murmuring park is the thicket of trees of konara oak and Shide.

A tree of human village
Salsberg(crape myrtle: loosestrife Department)
Small and beautiful flowers bloom at the height of summer.
In the past, it was often planted in temples, but recently it has been used for street trees.
Mokusei(Kinmokusei and Ginmokusei)
(Shrinkle rhinocerous)
It's an evergreen small Takagi.
It blooms at the end of September and makes you feel the arrival of autumn.
Plum(Plum: Rose family)
It is a typical flower of early spring, and there are various varieties.
Fruits ripen in June and can be made with plum dried or plum wine.

Inquiries to this page

Tsuzuki Ward   General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-948-2222

Phone: 045-948-2222

Fax: 045-948-2228

E-Mail address [email protected]

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