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Emblem of ward
Last updated on May 16, 2022.
Tsuzuki Ward symbol
In commemoration of the birth of Tsuzuki Ward on November 6, 1994, the Tsuzuki Ward symbol was established as a symbol of "Tsuzuki Ward " loved by residents.
In the selection, we publicly recruited from the citizens widely, selected candidate works, voted for inhabitants of a ward, and were selected based on the voting results.
This symbol mark expresses the green, maintained cityscape, and rich water with the motif of tsuzuki's "T".
It also represents the future of Tsuzuki Ward , where residents of the city cooperate and develop toward the future.
About use
If you wish to use the service, please read the “Guidelines for Handling of Tsuzuki Ward Symbol Marks” and “Guidelines for Designing Symbols” and submit the application documents to Tsuzuki Ward Office Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section.
[Submission address]
Tsuzuki Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section
Phone: 045-948-2226 FAX: 045-948-2399
Email: [email protected]
If it can be used
The following items apply to events that are conducted by an organization or individual and are sponsored or co-sponsored by each section of the Tsuzuki Ward Office, supported by the Tsuzuki Ward Office, or similar businesses or events recognized as contributing to the promotion of Tsuzuki Ward .
(1) It must not be a business conducted by a political organization, a religious organization, or an organization aimed at disseminating specific ideas.
(2) Businesses for the benefit of only a specific individual or group, etc., must not be exclusively for profit.
(3) It must not be a business that violates laws and regulations and public order and morals.
(4) It must not be a business that may damage the dignity or hinder the purpose of establishing the symbol mark.
(5) It is not business that there may be trouble in promoting business that ward performs or business that ward provides support.
Procedures for use
Please submit the “Application for Accepting Use of the Tsuzuki Ward Symbol Mark (Form 1)” and materials that show the image of the use in advance (up to 2 weeks before use).
■Examination and distribution
We will examine the distribution based on the application, and if we accept the use, we will send the symbol mark data along with the written consent to the applicant.
※There are two types of symbol mark data: illustrator format (ai) and JPEG format.
■Change of content
When you change contents of application, please submit "use contents change notice (third style)".
However, if the content of the change is simple, submission is not required.
Guidelines and Guidelines
Office Administration Guidelines for Consent Use of Tsuzuki Ward Symbol Mark (PDF: 84KB) (PDF: 83KB)
Application for consent to use the Tsuzuki Ward symbol mark (first style) (word: 17KB) (word: 16KB)
Notification of change of use contents (third style) (word: 17KB) (word: 16KB)
Symbol Mark Design Guidelines (PDF: 3,061KB) (PDF: 3,060KB)
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Inquiries to this page
Tsuzuki Ward Ward Administration Promotion Division Planning and Adjustment Section
Phone: 045‐948‐2226
Phone: 045‐948‐2226
Fax: 045-948-2399
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 912-800-219