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  1. Yokohama-shi Top Page
  2. Tsuzuki Ward   Top Page
  3. Introduction of the ward
  4. Tsuzuki Ward   mascot
  5. About Tsuzuki Ward   mascot character "Continuing Ai"

Last updated on December 10, 2024.

The text is from here.

About Tsuzuki Ward   mascot character "Continuing Ai"

Tsuzuki Ward   mascot character "Continuing Ai"

Tsuzuki Ward   mascot character "Continuing Ai"

The Tsuzuki Ward   mascot character "Continuing Ai" was born in October 2005 as a character of the Tsuzuki Ward   Community Welfare Plan.
And in November 2009, he became the official mascot character of Tsuzuki Ward  .

In order to solve the issues that each region is working on, we aim to create a mechanism of "deaisanai Wakachiai" between people in cooperation with each inhabitant of a ward, group, localTsuzuki Ward  , and the government.

It is popular among everyone by the names such as "Tsuki Ai-chan" or "Ai-chan".

About the use of the costume of "Continuing Ai"

"Continuing"-chan costume
(At the 19th Tsuzuki Kumin Festival)

We rent costumes of "Continued Ai" to local and group events.
If you would like to use the service, please read the following "Coloring Lending Guidelines" and submit the application documents to the Regional Promotion Division Regional Promotion Section in advance.
The usage fee is free, but if the loan period overlaps, it will be on a first-come, first-served basis. However, lending may be refused if used for sponsored or co-sponsored projects by Tsuzuki Ward   or Yokohama City.

Please note that you will not be able to borrow in the following cases.
1. Those that may damage or damage the dignity of the ward.
2. Those that violate or may violate laws and regulations or public order and morals.
3. Those that give or may give a misunderstanding that supports or authorizes a particular individual, company, political party or religious organization.
4. Used for commercial activities.
5. Do not use the costume according to the correct usage.

◇About loan
Application acceptance : From 6 months to 10 days before the scheduled use date (first come, first served)
Lending Period : Within 7 days from the date of lending
Transportation method : As it cannot be delivered from the ward, please come to Regional Promotion Division for pick-up and return by one-box car.
※The diameter of the head is about 1m.
Notes : Do not use it outdoors in rainy weather or when there is a risk of soiling.

About the use of images by "Continuing Ai"

The right to image the Tsuzuki Ward   mascot character "Continuing Ai" belongs to Tsuzuki Ward  .
Except for personal use, when using image data at a company or organization, please apply to Regional Promotion Division in accordance with the Tsuzuki Ward   mascot character "Continuing" image usage guidelines.

※ Please refrain from using sites or media that may violate public order and morals or are harmful or inappropriate to children.

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Inquiries to this page

Tsuzuki Ward   General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-948-2231

Phone: 045-948-2231

Fax: 045-948-2239

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Page ID: 783-140-665

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