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Examples of safety confirmation Initiatives

Last updated on February 20, 2025.

We have created a collection of examples of safety confirmation initiatives!


In the case studies of the safety confirmation Initiative, among the items described in the Asahi Ward Supplies Manual, the temporary assembly that leads to smooth rescue and disaster relief.
❝This is a summary of examples of regions in which a small group engages in safety confirmation and information collection and transmission.
By incorporating these cases, we will enhance welfare activities such as improving disaster prevention capabilities and creating relationships of watching and supporting each other in familiar areas.
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◇Click here for download.
safety confirmation Initiatives Casebook (PDF: 2,888KB)

(Reference) Asahi Ward Nearby Manual


In the early stages of the earthquake, “Efforts to survive together” are summarized in an easy-to-understand leaflet format.
Please refer to the training method for practicing the activities and the flow of disaster response after an earthquake.

Please check here for details.
Asahi Ward Nearby Manual

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Asahi Ward General Affairs Division General Affairs Section in charge of crisis management and regional disaster prevention

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