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  5. We reviewed the third term of Hinatabokko, a support base for child care in the Asahi Ward area.

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We reviewed the third term of Hinatabokko, a support base for child care in the Asahi Ward area.

Last updated on September 29, 2023.

Hinataboko, a local child care support base in Asahi-ku, Yokohama City, has reached its fifth year of its third term in 2023. Looking back on the contents of the project implementation so far, please see what you need to work on in the next five years.

Review of the third term of the Asahi Ward Regional Child Care Support Base Project

What is a local child care support base?

It is a core facility for local child care support, and is set up in each ward in Yokohama city.
It is a facility to support parents who are raising children so that they can enjoy raising children with peace of mind, and to support the leaders involved in child care support in the area.
In addition to providing a place for parents and children, consulting on child care, providing information on child care, building a local network with people involved in child care support, developing human resources for those involved in child care support, Yokohama child care support system secretariat, user support project ( We are working on many businesses such as child care partners).
For details on our business, please refer to the City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau “Local Child Care Support Center” page.

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Asahi Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

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Page ID: 280-719-531

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