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- Selected a trustee for the Asahi Ward Regional Child Care Support Center Management Corporation (4th term)
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Selected a trustee for the Asahi Ward Regional Child Care Support Center Management Corporation (4th term)
Last updated on December 28, 2023.
We identified contracted corporations of the local child care support base management corporation (4th term)
For five years from April 2023, we identified a corporation that operates Hinatabokko, a support base for child care in the Asahi Ward area, as a collaborative project with Asahi Ward.
What is a local child care support base?
It is a core facility for local child care support, and is set up in each ward in Yokohama city.
It is a facility to support parents who are raising children so that they can enjoy raising children with peace of mind, and to support the leaders involved in child care support in the area.
In addition to providing a place for parents and children, consulting on child care, providing information on child care, building a local network with people involved in child care support, developing human resources for those involved in child care support, Yokohama child care support system secretariat, user support project ( We are working on many businesses such as child care partners).
For details on our business, please refer to the City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau “Local Child Care Support Center” page.
Regarding the selection of operating corporations
Hinataboko, a local child care support base in Asahi-ku, Yokohama City, selects an operating corporation every five years.
Since the third term of operation will expire in this fiscal year, we have identified the fourth term operating corporation.
Management Corporation (candidates for contract)
Corporate name Non-Profit Organization Child Sodachishien / Asahi
Representative Director Hiroko Nakamura
Location 2-47-8, Tsurugamine, Asahi-ku, Yokohama-shi
Results of selection of operating corporations and related materials
Selection results (PDF: 215KB)
Selection result document (PDF: 328KB)
Minutes of the 1st Selection Committee Meeting (PDF: 114KB)
Minutes of the 1st Minutes (PDF: 2,076KB)
Minutes of the 2nd Selection Committee Meeting (PDF: 135KB)
Asahi Ward Regional Child Care Support Base Project 5 Years
Looking back on the contents of the project implementation in the third phase, please see what you should work on in the next five years.
Type of corporation to be operated
The operator shall be a corporation that falls under any of the following.
- Social welfare corporations that run child welfare facilities such as daycare centers in the city
- Medical corporations that operate Pediatrics medical facilities in the city
- Non-profit activities (NPOs) corporations with a track record of child care support activities in the city
- School corporations that run kindergartens in the city
Qualification of proposal (application)
The qualification of the proposal (application) shall be a corporation that falls under all of the following items.
- Being listed on the list of qualified bidders (*) in Yokohama City or being registered before concluding a consignment contract.
- It is not the primary purpose of religious or political activities.
- If you are an operating corporation of a local child care support base business in another ward, at least one year has passed since the start of the business at the time of application.
※The operation period is, in principle, five years from April 1, 2024, but outsourcing contracts are made every single year.
Application Guidelines
Distribution period and time
From Friday, September 29, 2023 to Friday, October 13, 2023
(Excluding Saturday and Sunday)
From 9:00 a.m. to noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Distribution location
Asahi Ward Office Children and Families Support Division (32nd floor on the 3rd floor)
Acceptance period and time of the application form for participation
From Monday, October 2, 2023 to Friday, October 13, 2023
(Excluding Saturday and Sunday)
From 9:00 a.m. to noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Acceptance of Application Form for Participation
Asahi Ward Office Children and Families Support Division (32nd floor on the 3rd floor)
※Please bring the documents directly. We will not accept submissions by any other means, such as by mail.
Notification of participation qualification confirmation result and notification of proposal-related document submission request form
Notification will be made on Monday, October 23, 2023.
Acceptance of Questions
The person who can ask the question shall be the person who has been admitted to the participation qualification by the participation qualification confirmation result notice.
Question acceptance period
From Tuesday, October 24, 2023 to Thursday, November 2, 2023
How to accept questions
The application will be accepted by e-mail or facsimile according to the questionnaire indicated in the application guidelines.
Email: [email protected]
Facsimile: 045-951-4683
※We will not respond to inquiries in other ways.
Answer to questions
All questions and answers submitted by Thursday, November 2, 2023 will be published on the Asahi Ward website on Thursday, November 9, 2023. Answers to questions shall have the same effect as the application guidelines.
Proposal submission (application) method
Proposal acceptance period
From Friday, November 10, 2023 to Thursday, November 16
(Excluding Saturday and Sunday)
From 9:00 a.m. to noon and from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
※Please contact us in advance and adjust the schedule with the person in charge.
Receiving of Proposals
Asahi Ward Office Children and Families Support Division (32nd floor on the 3rd floor)
- After the submission deadline, the contents of the submitted documents cannot be changed.
- If there is a false statement in the proposal document, you will be disqualified.
- The language used in the submitted documents will be Japanese and the currency will be yen.
- Do not include the name of the corporation in the "Overview of the Business" of the proposal.
Selection Committee
In the evaluation of the selection committee, you will be asked to give a presentation and respond to the hearing.
※Date of implementation: The first management corporation selection committee Friday, November 24, 2023 Click here for hearing guidance (PDF: 47KB)
2nd Management Corporation Selection Committee Friday, December 8, 2023 Click here for the meeting information (PDF: 95KB)
Notification and publication of selection results
All applicants will be notified in writing at the end of December 2023.
The results of the selection will be announced on the Asahi Ward website after the selection of the operating corporation.
Materials and Application Forms
Asahi-ku, Yokohama-shi area child care support base administration corporation offer essential point (word: 81KB)
2024 Asahi-ku, Yokohama-shi area child care support base business specifications (plan) (word: 49KB)
Application form for participation (word: 30KB)
Questionnaire (word: 28KB)
List of documents to be submitted (word: 35KB)
Management corporation proposal (word: 69KB)
Selection Committee Evaluation Index (Excel: 22KB)
Asahi-ku, Yokohama-shi area child care support base business operation summary (word: 26KB)
Yokohama child care support system business operation summary (PDF: 260KB)
Yokohama Child Care Support System Rules (PDF: 589KB)
Equipment list (PDF: 367KB)
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Inquiries to this page
Asahi Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division
Phone: 045-954-6151
Phone: 045-954-6151
Fax: 045-951-4683
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 521-508-968