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Last updated on January 29, 2025.

The text is from here.

News and event information from Minami fire department

[Beware of house fires!]

In 2023, there were 47 fires in Minami Ward, up 19 from the previous year.
The breakdown of fire causes is arson, tobacco, and stoves.
In addition, fires caused by tobacco are increasing rapidly, and deaths have occurred.
Let's practice measures that we can do at home to protect important life, property from fire!

List of Information

About fire drills

fire drills must be carried out in the duty of the right holder and the duty of the fire protection manager.
  ☆For fire prevention targets (product stores, hospitals, welfare facilities, etc.), fire drills and evacuation drill are conducted at least twice a year.
  ☆For non-specific use fire prevention objects (condominiums, offices, etc.), the number of times specified in the fire plan
 fire drills can be implemented without the presence of a fire department.
  [Training Type]
   ▮Fire extinguishing training
    Training for initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. using fire extinguisher and indoor fire hydrants
   ▮Evacuation and guidance training
    Training to notify fire in buildings and evacuate and guide fire
   ▮Reporting and Communication Training
    Training to report the fire department fire incident after confirming the disaster
  Persons involved in the specified fire protection target should notify the Minami fire department General Affairs and Prevention Section Prevention Section in advance when implementing the fire drills.
  fire drills's report contents and method are as follows.

  [Contents of Reporting]
   ☆Fire protection target Address       ☆Name of fire prevention target      ☆Number of participants
   ☆Date and time of training            ☆Training type (outline of training)   ☆Name and contact information in charge

[Guidelines for Reporting]

Please contact Minami fire department General Affairs and Prevention Section Prevention Section (045-253-0119).
Please note that we cannot prepare a copy of the reception desk. 


Please bring the fire drills Implementation Plan Report to the Minami fire department window.
If you can prepare two copies of the same one, we will return one copy of the copy stamped with the reception stamp.


Please send the fire drills Implementation Plan Report to the Minami fire department FAX (045-253-0119).
Please note that we will not be able to respond to your request.


Please mail the fire drills Implementation Plan Report to the Prevention Section of the General Affairs and Prevention Section of the Minami fire department (2-33 Urafunecho, Minami-ku).
If you can enclose two copies of the fire drills Implementation Plan Report and a reply envelope with a stamp, please make a copy of the reception stamp.
I'll return one copy.

disaster drill, etc.

 In Minami fire department, schools, Neighborhood Association, Neighborhood Associations, and other organizations are encouraged to minimize damage in the event of a disaster such as a fire or earthquake.
 We conduct various trainings related to fire prevention and disaster prevention.
 For more information about the training, please contact the Minami fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division Prevention Section. ( 045‐253‐0119 )

 In addition, a website "Yokohama Disaster Prevention e-park" has been opened to learn about disaster prevention through videos, etc., regardless of time or place. .
 You can learn how to handle fire extinguisher, how to handle AED, and so on.
 Yokohama Disaster Prevention e-park ( (outside site)

Lending of training equipment

  Minami fire department lends training equipment such as the water fire extinguisher.
  Please fill out the following loan form with required items and bring it to Minami fire department.

 [Lending equipment]
  〇 Emergency training dolls (adults, children, baby/infant)
  〇 AED for training
  〇 Training water fire extinguisher
  〇 Training DVD
 ※Depending on the situation, you may not be able to borrow, so please check by phone in advance.

In addition, fire prevention posters and pamphlets on preventive emergency services are distributed free of charge as necessary.
  If you wish, please contact Minami fire department, General Affairs Prevention Section Prevention Section.

About home disaster prevention staff

 ▮What is the Home Disaster Prevention Staff System?
Starting with the self support,   "Protecting ourselves by ourselves," this training program aims to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills related to fire prevention and disaster prevention so that in the event of a disaster, "cooperate for local safety and security" in order to promote the community support as a leader in regional disaster prevention.

 ▮Contents of the training
  [Fire Protection Training]
    ・About house fire prevention
    ・How to Report and Evacuation
    ・About initial-stage fire-fighting techniques.

  [Emergency Training]
    ・Emergency System
    ・About first aid and preventive first aid
    ・About cardiopulmonary resuscitation and handling of AED

  [Earthquake and Flood Damage Training]
    ・Preparedness for earthquakes, storms and floods
    ・Response to earthquakes, storms and floods
    ・Past examples and lessons learned

  [Disaster Map Training (DIG Training)]
    ・Use a large blank map to write information about evacuation route, evacuation sites, danger predictions, etc.
     We will discuss disaster prevention measures in the region.

▮Information on workshops

▮Various application documents

Information, etc. from Minami fire department

[Notification of laws and regulations related to fire prevention]

Notification, application, prior consultation, etc. are handled by the General Affairs and Prevention Section Prevention Section.

Reception hours 
Month to Friday (excluding holidays and New Year's holidays (from December 29 to January 3 of the following year))


※It will be a break from 12:00 to 13:00, so please understand and cooperate.

※If you would like to consult directly with the staff in charge, please contact us in advance.

※If you come to the agency without prior notice, we may not be able to respond due to the absence of the person in charge due to on-site inspections.

Contact information

Minami fire department General Affairs and Prevention Section Prevention Section

In charge of inspection, guidance, and prevention

Telephone/FAX: 045-253-0119 (Representative)

Major reports, etc. in charge of inspection

◎Appointment (dismissal) registration form ◎ Create fire plan (change) registration form ◎ Fire protection target inspection result report 

◎Disaster prevention management inspection result report ◎ Fire equipment inspection result report ◎ Installation (change) of equipment using fire registration form, etc.

Major reports, etc. in charge of guidance

◎Start of use of fire protection objects registration form ◎ Construction equipment, etc. registration form ◎ Installation of fireregistration form

◎Firefighting agreement ◎ Various applications for dangerous goods factories, etc.

Major reports, etc. in charge of prevention

◎Fireworks consumption registration form ◎ Holding event registration form ◎ Stall opened registration form, etc.

What you need to prepare at the next agency

・1 copy of registration form, etc. to be submitted (* If you need a copy, please bring the required number of copies.)

・Contact information of the person in charge (* The fire department may contact you at a later date regarding the details of the notification.)

[About conducting a fact-finding survey on apartment houses]

Minami fire department will inform the management company that manages apartment houses in the city or Yokohama city.

At present, Minami fire department is conducting a survey of condominium management companies that manage apartment houses. Due to this survey, different staff may contact you several times by telephone or other means, but please note that due to changes in managers, Fire Bureau may not be able to grasp accurate apartment house manager information. Please give me.

In addition, we may check the following contents mainly by telephone and provide necessary information to ensure the safety of the building, such as the appointment of a fire prevention manager.

We apologize for any inconvenience, but we appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

<Main items to be confirmed by telephone>

  • Contact information of administrators, etc.
  • Occupancy status of offices other than apartment houses
  • Current number of residents
  • Appointment of Fire Protection Managers
  • Inspection report status of fire-fighting equipment

If it is difficult to confirm by phone, we will send you the following documents for the necessary information after the fact-finding.

(If you are requested to submit, please submit by e-mail, mail, bring, etc.)

(If there is guidance, the necessary notification under the Fire Service Law has not been submitted, so please improve it as soon as possible.)

[Back number]

Click here for the back number of 2022↓↓

About Minami fire brigade

As Minami fire brigade celebrates its 10th anniversary, we have created a commemorative magazine.

※Please be careful about data communication because the file size is large.


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Inquiries to this page

Fire Bureau Minami fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division

Phone: 045-253-0119

Phone: 045-253-0119

Fax: 045-253-0119

E-Mail address

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Page ID: 436-565-063


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