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News and event information from Sakae fire department

Last updated on March 5, 2025.

List of Information

Recommended information

The latest information

For fire prevention procedures, refer to “Electronic Application for Perfect Service”

Announcement from City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau

Electronic application is convenient for procedures in the field of fire prevention.

  • Notification of appointment (dismissal) of fire prevention and disaster prevention managers
  • Notification of fire plan creation (change)
  • Notification of appointment (dismissal) of general fire prevention and disaster prevention manager
  • Notification of fire plan creation (change) for the whole
  • Report of fire prevention object inspection results
  • Establishment of self-defense fire organization (change) registration form
  • Fire-fighting equipment, etc. (special fire-fighting equipment, etc.) Inspection results report
  • Report on the results of disaster prevention management inspections

For details, please refer to the following page.
Electronic application window in the field of fire prevention

There are many fires in Sakae Ward.

Current Status of Fires in 2024

In Sakae Ward, compared with last year, from January to June.

 ◆There were 12 fires (7 last year)
 ◆Seven casualties (three last year)
 ◆The burned area is 181m2 (65m2 last year) 
As mentioned above, the damage caused by fire is increasing.

Major causes of fire

Fires related to electrical wiring are increasing.

 ◆The outlet is made of octopus wiring.
 ◆The cords are under furniture and carpets.
 ◆I'm using the code bundled or twisted.
 ◆It uses old home appliances, cords, and plugs that have deteriorated over time.
 ◆There are dust on the outlets and plugs.

In such a situation, there is a risk of fire.
In order to prevent a fire, please check and clean regularly.

News from General Affairs and Prevention Division

About application for firefighting staff attendance fire drills, disaster prevention guidance, etc.

  1. Please coordinate the training contents at each business site, Neighborhood Association / Neighborhood Associations, fill out the application form for staff attendance, and send your e-mail address ([email protected]) or fax (892-0119).
  2. Based on the staff attendance application form, we will coordinate the training with the person in charge at the Phone number.

~ Rules of application ~

  • Please be sure to fill in the thick frame.
  • Training time is, in principle, from 9:30 to 11:30 in the morning. From 13:30 to 16:30 in the afternoon.
  • From 6 months to 2 weeks before the scheduled training date

※If you submit the application form by e-mail or fax, be sure to contact the fire department.
If you do not contact us, we may cancel your reservation.


  • If you send an e-mail or fax to the fire department, be sure to call Sakae fire department between 8:45 and 17:00 on weekdays.
  • If you want to come to the fire department directly and adjust the contents of the training, please contact the fire department in advance and adjust the schedule.
  • Reservations cannot be accepted during the year-end and New Year holidays (from December 29 to January 3).

Introducing a standpipe initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. instrument that connects the local "community support" to the reduce disaster damage.

Introducing a standpipe initial-stage fire-fighting techniques. instrument in video.

Lending training equipment

You can rent the following equipment.

  • Water fire extinguisher
  • For water fire extinguisher
  • Dolls for cardiopulmonary resuscitation training
  • AED for training

If you would like to borrow, please contact the Prevention Section of Sakae fire department General Affairs and Prevention Section.
Please contact us.
Phone: 045-892-0119 (Representative)

About Sakae Ward Home Disaster Prevention Staff

As for home disaster prevention staff, as a "training system that starts with self support and leads to regional disaster prevention," as many citizens as possible take part in this training and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills related to fire prevention and disaster prevention.

Contents of Home Disaster Prevention Staff Training

You will be required to take five trainings: fire prevention, first aid, earthquake, storm and flood damage, and DIG (disaster map training) in one year.

Participants of the training

It is intended for all people aged 15 and over who live in Sakae Ward.

How to apply

Application by telephone

Sakae fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division Please contact the Home Disaster Prevention Officer. I'll ask you for your name, Address and contact number when you call.
In charge: Sakae fire department General Affairs and Prevention Section Prevention Section
Phone: 045-892-0119 (Representative)
Applications are accepted throughout the year. Training that has already been completed at the time of application can also be taken in the next fiscal year.

Application from the web

The Yokohama City Electronic Application System allows you to enter your name, Address, contact information, etc. to apply.
Please apply from the following site. (external site)
After applying, the person in charge will contact you for confirmation.

Frequently Asked Questions Corner

Does it cost money to attend the training course?

You can take the course for free.

What should I do if I can't participate in the training because it's inconvenient?

The training is free to participate, so please join us within a reasonable range.
For those who have not yet taken the course, it is also possible to participate in the next fiscal year.

I'm not confident in my physical strength, can I become a home disaster prevention worker?

The training is mainly for classroom lectures, so anyone can take the course.
There are practical skills such as water discharge experience and cardiopulmonary resuscitation, but please carry out without difficulty.

When I become a home disaster prevention worker, do I have to be called in the event of a disaster or participate in training regularly?

We hope that you will be active as the cornerstone of regional disaster prevention in the event of a disaster, but since it is a training system, there are no calls or regular training.

Can I participate even in the middle of the year?

You can participate even in the middle of the year.
For those who have not yet taken the course, it is also possible to take the course in the next fiscal year.

I have a small child. Can I take the course?

There is a temporary daycare system for children aged 2 and over and under 6. If you have any questions, please contact the person in charge at the time of application.

Do you have an insurance system?

Insurance is applied to round trips to the venue, accidents during training and temporary childcare.

Reference link

Since it is to be determined according to the local situation, there are parts where the explanation such as the recruitment method is different.

Outing disaster prevention classes

In the “Outing Disaster Prevention Classroom”, firefighters provide hands-on classes, including work stories and vehicle tours, through opportunities such as social studies classes. (Based on the third grade of elementary school in Sakae Ward.)

Emergency guidance sessions for third-year junior high school students

In the future, junior high school students who will play a part in regional disaster prevention will be instructed on cardiopulmonary resuscitation using AEDs in order to foster the ability to provide help to family members and close people in the event of a disaster. (For the third grade of junior high school in Sakae Ward.)

Notifications, etc. by laws and regulations

Notification, application, consultation, etc. will be handled by the Sakae fire department General Affairs and Prevention Section Prevention Section Prevention Section and Inspection Section.

Reception hours

From 8:45 am to 5:00 pm on weekdays (excluding the year-end and New Year holidays)

  • Notifications can be made outside Reception hours, but they may not be accepted due to disaster participation.
  • Fire department offices may not be able to accept applications in Reception hours due to disaster participation.

What you need to prepare at the reception

  • registration form, etc. to be submitted
  • Contact information of the person in charge


  • One copy of the documents to be submitted will be kept at the fire department, so if you need a copy, please bring the required number of copies.
  • The fire department may contact you about the details of the report at a later date.

About next agency consultation

  • If you would like to consult directly with the staff in charge, please contact us in advance.
  • If you come to the agency without prior notice, you may not be able to respond due to absence of charge.
Contact information

Sakae fire department General Affairs and Prevention Section Prevention Section
In charge of inspection and guidance
Telephone FAX: 045-892-0119 (Representative)

Major reports in charge of guidance

(Note) "Start of storage or handling of compressed acetylene gas, etc. (decommissioned) registration form is handled by the Security Division Planning Section.

Major reports, etc. in charge of inspection

  • Appointment (dismissal) of fire prevention and disaster prevention managers About registration form
  • Fire plan creation (change) About registration form ※See below for the firefighting plan for small-scale tenants in Sakae fire department
  • About inspection result report (outside site) such as facilities for firefighting
  • About fire prevention object inspection result report
  • About disaster prevention management inspection result report
  • Installation (change) of facilities that use fire, etc. About registration form
  • Installation of electrical equipment (change) registration form
  • About improvement (plan) report to result notice such as on-site inspection

Various styles such as registration form can be downloaded from the following page.
Link to report style download page

Guidelines for preparing small-scale tenant firefighting plans

The small-scale tenant firefighting plan defines the necessary items for fire management work for small-scale offices and stores that are leased with office buildings and commercial buildings.

Creation style of firefighting plan for small tenants in Sakae fire department (word: 55KB)
Downloading example of firefighting plan for small tenants in Sakae fire department (word: 78KB)
Please fill out the form above with required items and bring it to the Sakae fire department inspector, along with registration form.
If you have any questions about the fire plan, please consult with the inspection staff.

News from the Security Division

News from emergency services

Preventive measures for injury

In recent years, the transportation of injured patients by rescue squads has increased, and it has been found that injuries have a higher rate than other causes.
Let's prevent injuries by knowing the dangers in advance.
Link to Prevent Injury Page (City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau WEB)

Yokohama City Emergency Consultation Center "# 7119" and Yokohama City Emergency Consultation Guide

Yokohama City Emergency Consultation Center "# 7119"

If you would like to consult for a consultation due to a sudden illness or injury, please call "# 7119".

  • If you want to know the hospital and clinics where you can consult, select [1] on the telephone.
  • If you are unsure whether to go to a hospital or clinics or call an ambulance, select [2] on the phone.

Consultation and emergency medical institutions in case of sudden illness (City of Yokohama, Medical Care Bureau WEB)

Yokohama City Emergency Consultation Guide

You can check the urgency and the need for consultation from your PC or smartphone.
Yokohama-shi emergency consultation guide (Yokohama-shi WEB) (outside site)
Please cooperate with the proper use of ambulances (City of Yokohama, Fire Bureau WEB)

To all those affected by fires, storms and floods

Please contact the Sakae fire department Police Department Investigator to issue a certificate of damage caused by fire or fire extinguishing damage.
Phone: 045-892-0119 (Representative)
(Note) Issuance of affliction certificate by storm and flood damage has been carried out at the ward office since April 1, 2020.

Related links

About affliction certificate (excluding fire) (Yokohama City WEB)

Other announcements

Sakae fire department mascot character "Itachi Three Brothers"

We are conducting disaster prevention education for childhood!
In addition to the three brothers of I-kun, Ta-kun and Chi-chan, there is also a mischievous Walo!

Sakae fire department Special Video

Check every day! Sakae Ladder Corps

The biggest car in Sakae fire department, "Sakae Ladder Corps."
I check every day so that I can play an active role in an emergency.
Please take a look at the inspection video from the fire fighter perspective that you cannot usually see.

Toyoda Rescue Team Training Scene

Sakae Ward's rescue team, Toyoda Special Rescue Team.
I'm also training today to help those in need right away.
This time, please see the training scenery of "walking" crossing the rope and "falling" descending from a high place using the rope, with images from the member's perspective.

Fire paper craft is now open!

We have released data on fire paper craft.

This is a photo of an original fire engine paper craft made by yourself.

Let's paint and make it! Original fire engine paper craft

It is an original fire engine paper craft that you paint and make yourself.
Let's make only one fire engine in the world!
(How to make)

  1. Click "Parts Sheet" to download the data.
  2. Print the downloaded data on a thick A4 paper.
  3. Paint the printed part sheet as shown in the "Assembly Explanation Video" and cut it and assemble it.
  • Be careful not to get injured with scissors or edges of paper.
  • The thickness of the paper is about 0.2mm.
Part sheet
Characteristics of fire trucks seen in paper craft

This is a characteristic image of a fire engine. There is a suction pipe that absorbs water and a water outlet that drains water.
When you download it, you can see a large image.

Explanation video of assembly

Photo of the rescue team paper craft wearing a security cap

Emergency crew (security cap)

It is a paper craft of a rescue squad wearing a white protective cap. The security hat is a helmet that protects fire fighter's head during disaster and training!
Let's all take care of heat stroke!
(How to make)

  1. Click "Parts Sheet" to download the data.
  2. Print the downloaded data on a thick A4 paper.
  3. Cut the printed part sheet according to the "Assembly Manual" and assemble it.
  • Be careful not to get injured with scissors or edges of paper.
  • The thickness of the paper is about 0.2mm.
Part sheet
Instructions for assembly

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If you do not have it, you can download it free of charge from Adobe.
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Inquiries to this page

Fire Bureau Sakae fire department General Affairs and Prevention Division

Phone: 045-892-0119

Phone: 045-892-0119

Fax: 045-892-0119

E-Mail address [email protected]

Return to the previous page

Page ID: 532-348-001


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