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  8. [Application has been closed] FY2019 Yokohama Venture Company Growth Support Business Outsourcing

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[Application has been closed] FY2019 Yokohama Venture Company Growth Support Business Outsourcing

Last updated on July 1, 2019.



FY2019 Yokohama Venture Company Growth Support Business Outsourcing

Proposal results

Order information

Date of public notice

May 16, 2019


Events (consignment)

Location classification

None Specified

Corporate size

None Specified

Other Conditions

A person who intends to submit a proposal must meet all of the following conditions:
(1) On the date of submission of the proposal participation application form, it must be listed in "Related Items / Consignment (List of Qualified Persons in FY2019 / FY2020)" Or, at the time of submission of the bid participation application form, qualification screening is currently underway, and registration has been completed by the date of determining the trustee.
(2) Have a track record of advanced knowledge and experience in the field of venture company support, consulting on new business creation, etc.
(3) Being a person who has not received suspension measures under the provisions of the "Summary of Measures for Suspension of Yokohama City Nomination" from the deadline for submitting the proposal participation application form to the specific date of the trustee.
(4) Being a person who does not fall under the provisions of Article 167-4 of the Local Autonomy Law Enforcement Ordinance (Government Ordinance No. 16 of 1947).
(5) In the case of a joint venture (a community formed for the purpose of jointly performing the work), all of the following conditions must be satisfied:
A. Members must meet all of the conditions of (1), (3) and (4).
A company with a track record in (2) must be the secretary.
C. The secretary shall be determined, the name of the representative of all members shall be stated, and an agreement of the consortium stamped with each representative shall be concluded. The seal of the secretary to be sealed shall be the same as the one used at the time of contract.
D) The assignment of members is clear in the “Consortium Agreement” depending on the content of the work.
※Please submit the "Consortium Agreement" at the time of contract.
(6) Each member of a consortium must not be a member of another consortium that makes a proposal for the business. In addition, members of the consortium must not participate as a single company.

(Reference) Schedule
Date and timeSchedule

Wednesday, May 22
11:00 a.m. to 0:00 p.m.

1st Public Offering Briefing ※It's finished

Monday, May 27
From 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Open call for participants briefing session ※It's finished
※The contents of the explanation are the same as the first one.

Friday, May 31

Qualification for bid participation at any time due date ※It's finished
※Businesses that are not listed in the "Yokohama City 2019 / 2020 Qualified Person List" at this time

Friday, June 7
5:00 p.m.

Deadline for submitting an application form ※It's finished
Wednesday, June 12
Until 5:00 p.m.
Notification of Proposal Qualification Confirmation Results ※It's finished

Thursday, June 13
5:00 p.m.

The deadline for submitting the questionnaire ※It's finished
Tuesday, June 18
5:00 p.m.
Sending Questionnaire Answers (telephone or e-mail)  ※It's finished

Friday, June 21
5:00 p.m.

The deadline for submitting proposals ※It's finished
Scheduled for Thursday, June 27Hearings on Proposals ※It's finished
beginning of JulyNotification of results
end of JulyScheduled to enter into the contract

Date of hearing

Date of hearing (time, etc.)

Thursday, June 27, 2019 afternoon
Details such as the date and time of the hearing will be announced separately to the person who submitted the proposal.

About application

Documents to be submitted

Place of submission

Economic Affairs Bureau New Industry Creation Division, Yokohama City
〒231-0016 5th floor Kannai Central Building 2-22 Masago-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City
In charge: Ohashi, Ueno, Murao
TEL: 045-671-3487 FAX: 045-664-4867
Email: [email protected]

How to apply

Submit required items on the application form (word: 27KB)

Submission period

From Thursday, May 16, 2019 to Friday, June 7, 2019 5:00 pm (must arrive) ※It's finished

Application deadline

June 7, 2019

Related materials

Related materials

Question answer

If you have any doubts about the contents of these guidelines, etc., you can submit a questionnaire (word: 25KB) as follows.
In addition, about question contents and answer, we notify all proposal-related documents presentation requester.
If you do not have any questions, you do not need to submit a questionnaire.

(Questionnaire) Submission deadline and other
Submission deadline5:00 pm on Thursday, June 13, 2019 (must arrive) ※It's finished
Submission addressThe same as the Ordering Division
Submission method

Bring, mail or e-mail
If you bring your own, please enter from the Certe Shopping Center side of Kannai Central Building. If you are not bringing your own, please confirm the arrival by phone or e-mail.
In the case of mailing, be sure to specify the e-mail address for sending the answer in the questionnaire.

Submission styleQuestionnaire style (word: 25KB)
Response Date and MethodSend by e-mail by Tuesday, June 18, 2019 ※It's finished
AnswerQuestion Answer Form (PDF: 277KB)

Notification of eligibility confirmation and submission request

About submission
Notification of participation

Of those who have submitted the application form for participation, those who have been qualified to participate and those who have not been recognized will be notified of that fact and the reason by notification of the proposal qualification confirmation result. Notifications will be sent by electronic mail or facsimile.
Notification date: Until 5:00 pm on Wednesday, June 12, 2019 ※It's finished

Sending a notification of the results of the proposal qualification confirmation and submitting a proposal

We will send a notification of the proposal qualification confirmation result to those who have been qualified to participate.
Proposals should be prepared based on the guidelines for preparation based on the "Proposals" (Forms 1 to 5). It will be sent by e-mail.

The deadline for submitting proposals5:00 pm on Friday, June 21, 2019 (must arrive) ※It's finished
Submission addressThe same as the Ordering Division
Submission methodBring or mail (in the case of mail, please use registered mail and send it to arrive by the deadline.)
Submission styleProposal (Forms 1-5) (Word: 34KB)
Number of copies submitted

1. Proposal (Forms 1 to 5)
2. Reference quotation (tax included)
3. An overview of the company (brochures, etc.)
3 copies each of 1 to 3 (1 copy, 2 copies for copying)

Other Documents and Communications

1.About open call for participants briefing session

Details of the public recruitment briefing

Date and time

The first Wednesday, May 22 from 11:00 am to 0:00 pm ※It's finished
2nd Monday, May 27 from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm ※It's finished
※The first and second sessions are the same.


Yokohama Corporate Management Support Foundation
Conference Room on the 7th floor of the Yokohama Media Business Center
(2-23 Ota-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama)
Map Access: (external site)


・Purpose and background of venture company growth support business
・About application procedure

How to applyE-mail (Please indicate the affiliation, name and contact information of the person who wishes to participate)

Economic Affairs Bureau New Industry Creation Division, Yokohama City
Person in charge Ohashi, Ueno, Murao
[email protected]

Materials to be distributed on the day

Purpose and background of venture company growth support business (PDF: 9,189KB)
(Reference 1) Area Map around Kannai (PDF: 502KB)
(Reference 2) Yokohama-shi citizen collaboration regulations supplementary document (PDF: 498KB)
(Reference 3) About registration in qualified person list (PDF: 204KB)
※Others As reference 4, a list of cooperating companies at the time of the briefing was distributed.


・Participation in this briefing is not an essential part of public participation.
・Participation and non-participation in this briefing will not affect the evaluation of the proposal.

2.About cooperating companies
 For businesses that are considering applying, we will recruit and announce real estate agents, building owners, etc. who can cooperate in introducing properties and providing information as "cooperating businesses".
 List of cooperating companies (as of May 24) (PDF: 85KB)

 About recruitment of cooperation company, please confirm the next document.
 ・Offer guidance (cooperating company) (PDF: 203KB)
 ・Cooperation company application application (word: 17KB)
 ※Application deadline Tuesday, June 18 (recruitment from time to time) ※Application has been closed

3.List of qualified persons
 As a condition for participating in this open call for participants, it is necessary to be listed in the qualification category "Related to Goods and Consignment" in the list of qualified persons in FY2019 and FY2020 by the date of determining the trustee (early July). .
 At this time, those who have not completed the application for the 2019 / 2nd year bid participation qualification screening will need to complete the procedure in time for the application acceptance schedule at any time.
Application deadline: Friday, May 31, 2019
(Scheduled list date: Monday, July 1, 2019)
 Please refer to the "Application Guide" posted on the following website for details on how to apply for the tender participation qualification screening in FY2019 and FY2019. (external site) 

Ordering Division

Order Section Information
Items Information for each item
Section in charge

Economic Affairs Bureau New Industry Creation Division, Yokohama City


2-22 Masago-cho, Naka-ku, Yokohama Kannai Central Building 5F

TEL 045-671-3487
Fax 045-664-4867
E-mail [email protected]
Person in charge

Ohashi, Ueno, Murao

Contract Section

The same as the Ordering Division

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Inquiries to this page

Innovation Promotion Division, Economic Affairs Bureau Business Innovation Department

Phone: 045-671-4600

Phone: 045-671-4600

Fax: 045-664-4867

E-Mail address [email protected]

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