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  8. [Public proposal type proposal] Business consignment such as operation and article creation of attractive PR website of Yokohama City for child-rearing generation

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[Public proposal type proposal] Business consignment such as operation and article creation of attractive PR website of Yokohama City for child-rearing generation

Last updated on January 31, 2025.



Business consignment such as operation and article creation of attractive PR website of Yokohama City for child-rearing generation

Proposal results

Scheduled to be published in the future

Order information

Date of public notice

January 10, 2025


Events (consignment)

Computer business, advertising

Location classification

None Specified

Corporate size

None Specified

Other Conditions

All of the following conditions shall be satisfied.
(1) Being not a person listed in Article 3, Paragraph 1 of the Yokohama City Contract Regulations (March 1964 Yokohama City Regulations No. 59) and a person who has the qualifications specified in the provisions of Paragraph 2 of the same Article.
(2) In the 5th and 6th Yokohama City General Competitive Bidding Qualified Person List (Articles, Consignment, etc.), business events "316: Computer Services" and "323" :A person who is authorized to register for advertising. Provided, however, that this shall not apply if the above list is being applied at the time of submitting the application form for participation, and the registration is completed by the date on which the contract candidate is identified.
(3) Have a contract track record of creating articles for the child-rearing generation in media such as magazines and WEB at the national, local governments or private companies.
(4) Being a person who has not received a nomination suspension based on the measures outline such as Yokohama City nomination suspension on any day from January 20, 2025 to a specific date for the contract candidate.

Date of hearing

Date of hearing (time, etc.)

(1)Date and time of implementation: Scheduled for Tuesday, March 4, 2025 (* Details will be announced separately)
(2)Attendee :3 or less (In principle, the general manager and the person in charge are required to attend.)
(3)Time required: The explanation time is assumed to be about 15 minutes per person. A question and answer session will be held.
(4)Contents  :Oh, I would like you to explain using the proposal.
       In order to ensure fairness, the name of the company is hidden.
       If you are going to be involved in this work, please be a person who will be directly involved in this work.

About application

Documents to be submitted

1.Participation intention application form (style 1) (word: 15KB)      Part 1
2.Pledge (Attachment 1) (Word: 25KB)         Part 1
3. Consignment business resume (Attachment 2) (word: 25KB)     Part 1
4.Application for bid participation qualification screening        1 copy (only applicable persons)
5.Application for additional event registration          1 copy (only applicable persons)
6.Reiwa 5.6 Yokohama-shi general competitive bidding qualified person list
 (Articles, consignment, etc.) 1 copy of application acceptance contents (only applicable persons)

Place of submission

City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau Planning and Coordination Division
6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City Hall, 13th floor
Email: [email protected]
TEL: 045-671-4281

How to apply

・Bring your own
・Mail (registered registered mail, registered mail or specified record)

Submission period

1.Submission deadline: Until 5:00 pm on Monday, January 20, 2025 (must arrive)
2.How to submit: E-mail, bring or mail (registered registered mail, registered mail or specified record)
  ※If the submission deadline has passed, it will not be accepted. However, if the arrival is delayed due to the reason of the delivery company, we will accept it with proof.
  ※In the case of mailing, be sure to contact the submission address after shipping.
  ※If you bring your own, it will be accepted from 9 a.m. to noon on weekdays and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Child and Youth Bureau Planning and Coordination Section.

Application deadline

January 20, 2025

Related materials

Related materials

Question answer

If you have any doubts about the contents of these guidelines, etc., you can submit a questionnaire as follows.
Questions and answers will be notified to everyone who has confirmed that they are qualified for the proposal.
If you do not have any questions, you do not need to submit a questionnaire.
1.Documents to be submitted: Questionnaire (word: 23KB)
2.Submission deadline: Until 5:00 pm on Tuesday, January 28, 2025 (must arrive)
3.How to submit: Email (Please attach the questionnaire in Word format. In addition, please confirm the arrival by telephone.
4.Submission address :Child and Youth Bureau Planning and Coordination Division Email: [email protected]
5.Response date and method: Friday, January 31, 2025 (planned) by e-mail.
6.Others :We do not respond to inquiries by telephone, etc., so please indicate so that the content of the question becomes clear.
7 Question Answer: The questions and answers submitted this time are as follows.
       ・Answer sheet (PDF: 153KB)

Notification of eligibility confirmation and submission request

Confirm that the person who submitted the participation intention application form is a person who satisfies the qualifications of the proposer, and submit a proposal qualification confirmation result notification to all applicants by Tuesday, January 21, 2025 A letter will be issued by e-mail (PDF data).
In addition, if we can confirm that we have proposal qualification, we will also issue proposal-related documents submission request form.
In addition, when you withdraw proposal participation after submitting participation intention application form, please submit participation withdrawal form (the point-1) (word: 23KB).
[Submission of Proposals, etc.]
  A. Documents to be submitted: ①Proposal (Forms 4 and Procedures 3-17)
         ②Reference quotation
    ※Submission of Procedure 13 is optional.
    ※Please submit one copy of the original, 10 copies of the copy, and CD-R (containing the data) with an index and spelled file.
  B. Submission deadline: Until 5:00 pm on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 (must arrive)
  C. Submission method: Mail (registered registered mail, registered mail or specified record) or bring
   ※If the submission deadline has passed, it will not be accepted. However, if the arrival is delayed due to the reason of the delivery company, we will accept it with proof.
   ※In the case of mailing, be sure to contact the submission address after shipping.
   ※If you bring your own, it will be accepted from 9 a.m. to noon on weekdays and from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the Child and Youth Bureau Planning and Coordination Section.
  D. Submission: The same as the above submission address
  O Number of copies submitted: 11 copies (1 original copy, 10 copies) and CD-R (containing the data)

Other Documents and Communications

  Oh, we do not accept documents other than the prescribed format.
  After submitting iproposal, we may ask you to submit supplementary materials at the discretion of Motoichi.
  Documents submitted will not be returned.
  Engineers (qualified persons, etc.) scheduled to be placed in the eproposals cannot be changed except in extremely special cases such as illness, death or Retirement.
  Only one proposal can be submitted per person.
  F. Except for Form 4, please do not include the name of the company, etc., whose creator is known.

Ordering Division

Order Section Information
Items Information for each item
Section in charge Child and Youth Bureau Planning and Coordination Division
Address 6-50-10 Honcho, Naka-ku, Yokohama City Hall, 13th floor
TEL 045-671-4281
Fax 045-663-8061
Other Contacts [email protected]

Contract Section

The same as the Ordering Division

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Inquiries to this page

Child and Youth Bureau General Affairs Department Planning and Coordination Division

Phone: 045-671-4281

Phone: 045-671-4281

Fax: 045-663-8061

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 633-929-528


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