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  6. Press Release FY2020
  7. [Press Release] The conference held in Yokohama was awarded in both categories at the 2020 "International Conference Attraction and Contribution Award" announced by JNTO.

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[Press Release] The conference held in Yokohama was awarded in both categories at the 2020 "International Conference Attraction and Contribution Award" announced by JNTO.

Last updated on February 22, 2021.

Press release materials

February 22, 2021

Culture and Tourism Bureau MICE Promotion Division

Kozo Kaji

TEL: 045-671-4233

Fax: 045-663-6540

 The 8th FIP World Pharmacy Conference (2023) was selected for the "International Conference Attraction and Contribution Award" announced by the Japan Tourism Organization (JNTO), and the 39th Global Science and Remote Sensing International Symposium 2019 (IGARSS 2019) was awarded for the "International Conference" in the "International Conference".
 Going forward, Yokohama will continue to deepen its knowledge of the trends of new international conferences and support MICE invitations and holdings.

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Fax: 045-663-6540

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