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  6. Press Release FY2020
  7. [Press Release] Naoto Otomo, one of Japan's leading conductors and founding music director of MMCJ, will give special guidance at a high school in Yokohama.

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[Press Release] Naoto Otomo, one of Japan's leading conductors and founding music director of MMCJ, will give special guidance at a high school in Yokohama.

Last updated on October 14, 2020.

Press release materials

October 14, 2020

Culture and Tourism Bureau Cultural Promotion Division

Noda Nibun

TEL: 045-671-3714

Fax: 045-663-5606

 Founded music director and conductor Naoto Otomo of the international educational music seminar "Music Masters Course Japan" (abbreviated as MMCJ) held in Yokohama every year, goes to Tozuka Municipal High School to provide performance guidance to the brass band and music course students. I will do it.
 This initiative will be implemented by Otomo as an initiative to contribute to the community for students who are unable to carry out normal activities, such as competitions being canceled due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection and losing opportunities for participation. Is what you do.

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