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Last updated on July 10, 2024.

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We will release "Children and Safety and Security Map"!

-A new security information was added to the child and traffic accident data map and renewed ~

Press release materials

July 10, 2024

Road and Highway Bureau Road Policy Promotion Section

Hidetoshi Kanazawa

TEL: 045-671-2775

Fax: 045-550-4892

 In Yokohama City, in March 2023, we released the Children and Traffic Accident Data Map, which allows you to check the location and outline of traffic accidents for elementary and junior high school students throughout the city on Google Maps, and a total of more than 1.5 million views have been made (as of R6.6). In response to a request for the security information to be posted when checking the safety of school roads, we have strengthened the Data Map for Children and Traffic Accidents, and created a "Child Safety and Security Map" to visualize them by adding voice calls and suspicious person information.
 We will promote initiatives to protect the safety and security of children from various angles through both traffic safety measures and anti-crime program measures for children.

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Phone: 045-671-3644

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Fax: 045-550-4892

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Page ID: 820-478-554


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