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Disability Independence Support Section (Social Participation Promotion Section) Health and Social Welfare Bureau
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Last updated on December 23, 2024.
Press release materials
December 23, 2024
Health and Social Welfare Bureau Disability Independence Support Division
Satoko Imai
TEL: 045-671-4130
Fax: 045-671-3566
In Yokohama City, the Parents' Association of Persons with Disabilities (Yokohama City Federation for the Protection of Children with Disabilities) plays a central role in celebrating citizens who have turned 20 years old. Gathering to celebrate ".
We hold "gathering to celebrate 20 years old of person with a disability in 2025" (PDF: 629KB)
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Disability Independence Support Section (Social Participation Promotion Section) Health and Social Welfare Bureau
Phone: 045-671-3602
Phone: 045-671-3602
Fax: 045-671-3566
E-Mail address [email protected]
Page ID: 822-064-630
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