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Preservation and utilization of remain (exhibition)

Last updated on February 2, 2021.

Preservation and utilization of remain at the planned site of the new city hall


 Remains excavated at the planned maintenance site of the new city hall will be preserved and utilized while listening to the opinions of outside experts in order to exhibit etc. in expressions that are easy for citizens to understand in the exterior and low-rise areas of the new city hall. Was considered. 

Process of Review

 The use of remain has been summarized after consultation on cityscapes and proposals to the Yokohama City Urban Beauty Council Landscape Review Subcommittee.
 At the Council on Urban Beauty Countermeasures, there were opinions such as "It should be an easy-to-understand exhibition for citizens," but "We generally agreed on how to consider the use of the Historical remain, and in the future we will proceed with discussions while listening to experts. "

Outline of the Expert Review Meeting

<1st session> Tuesday, December 27, 2016 Sharing of current examination contents, current situation plan, conditions
<2nd session> Examination based on collection examples on Tuesday, January 24, 2017
<Part 3> Tuesday, February 21, 2017 Planning of specific utilization methods

○External Experts
 ・Yusuke Aoki [Expert and History] (Yokohama City Urban Development Memorial Hall / Yokohama City Historical Landscape Commissioner conservation)
 ・Toru Nakajima [Expert & History] (Takenaka Corporation / Head of Traditional Architecture Group, Advanced Design Department, Design Division)
 ・Gen Kumagai [Expert Landscape] (Representative of Studio Gen Kumagai Co., Ltd. / New City Hall Design Concept Book Trustee)

Results of the Study

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