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Basic design

Last updated on January 11, 2019.

Yokohama City Hall Relocation New Construction Basic Design

About new city hall, we push forward design work for start of construction of summer, 2017.
Basic matters such as building layout, floor plan of each floor, structure and equipment plan are organized and announced as basic designs (summary versions) by the end of August, but furthermore, architectural plans, structural plans, electrical and mechanical equipment, etc. A summary of more detailed items such as equipment is summarized as a basic design report (summary version).

Appearance from the Bentenbashi Bridge area

Internal view of the atrium

"Yokohama-shi city hall relocation new construction basic design report" (summary version) (PDF: 16,360KB)

"Basic design of Yokohama-shi city hall relocation new construction" (summary version) (PDF: 2,839KB)

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