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Yokohama City Public Works Evaluation (FY2014)

Last updated on February 2, 2021.

 We carried out "public opinion offer for public works prior evaluation record (plan)" during period from Tuesday, April 1, 2014 to Monday, May 12, and opinion was sent from 388 people. Opinion that had you approach was classified into 855 cases according to item of public works prior evaluation record (plan) and arranged opinion of Motoichi about each opinion.
 In addition, "2014 first Yokohama-shi public works projects evaluation committee" is held on Monday, June 30, 2014, and "new city hall maintenance business (tentative name)" is discussed, and July The committee's deliberation results were submitted on the 22nd.
 Based on these results, the “Public Works Preliminary Evaluation Record” was finalized.
 In the future, we will promote our business based on this "Public Works Preliminary Evaluation Record".

Purpose of Evaluation of Public Works in Yokohama

 The Yokohama City Public Works Evaluation (PDF: 157KB) objectively evaluates and announces the necessity and effects of the project at each stage from the start of the project to the completion of the project for public works carried out by Yokohama City. The purpose is to improve the efficiency of public works and the transparency of the implementation process.

Preliminary evaluation

Overview of Preliminary Evaluation

 Before embarking on the maintenance of the new city hall, we had you judge the validity of the project implementation from viewpoints such as the necessity and effects of the project.

 In carrying out prior evaluation, we raise citizen opinions and announce "opinion" and "opinion of city for opinion".

Flow of Preliminary Evaluation

(1) City makes prior evaluation record (plan) from viewpoints such as necessity of business, effect and consideration for environment.
(2) We announce pre-evaluation record (plan) which we made on homepages and raise opinions from citizens (hearing citizen opinion).
  At the same time, we ask for opinions from the Yokohama City Public Works Evaluation Committee, which is made up of academic experts (hearing the opinions of the committee).
(3) City summarizes opinion for opinion from citizen's all of you and correspondence to opinion statement issued by committee.
  We will confirm the preliminary evaluation record and announce it as a result of the preliminary evaluation.

Listening to citizen opinions

<< Business name >> New City Hall maintenance project (tentative name)
Jurisdiction Bureau, General Affairs Bureau
<< Preliminary evaluation record (draft) >> New City Hall maintenance project (tentative name) (PDF: 2,995KB)
<< Implementation period >> April 1 to May 12, 2014
<< Implementation method >> How to submit opinions, etc.
Results of Implementation
 〇 Opinion that had you approach and opinion of Motoichi (PDF: 1,140KB)
 〇 Opinions received (original text) (PDF: 895KB)

Hearing of committee (2014 first Yokohama-shi public works evaluation committee)

Preliminary Evaluation Report for Public Works

 About public works prior evaluation record (plan) "new city hall maintenance business (tentative name)"
 ・Opinion sent in "public opinion offer for public works prior evaluation record (plan)" and
 ・Deliberation result in "2014 first Yokohama-shi public works project evaluation committee"
Based on this, we revised a part of the public works pre-evaluation record (draft) and finalized the "public works pre-evaluation record".

 〇 [Press Release] "We decided new city hall maintenance business (tentative name) public works prior evaluation record" (PDF: 3,134KB)
 〇 Public Works Preliminary Evaluation Record (PDF: 2,569KB)

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