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  5. Vaccinations Infectious Diseases
  6. [To those involved in the facility] When cases of suspected infectious diseases (including COVID-19 infection) or food poisoning occur at facilities for the elderly or childcare facilities

The text is from here.

[To those involved in the facility] When cases of suspected infectious diseases (including COVID-19 infection) or food poisoning occur at facilities for the elderly or childcare facilities

When case of suspected infectious disease or food poisoning occurs in elderly facility, childcare facility, I would like correspondence about the following items.

Last updated on January 6, 2025.

1 Grasp the occurrence status (in patients and facilities)

First of all, it is necessary to quickly grasp the following items.

  1. Check when and where symptoms (vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, fever, etc.) started.
  2. Immediately confirm the presence or absence of consultation, test results, treatment, and treatment.
  3. Check the person's underlying disease and medical history.
  4. Check if there are any other people who are complaining of similar situations (users, staff, etc.), and if so, grasp the location and number of people.
    (Confirm that the person who had the same meal or the person in the same room has no symptoms, etc.)
  5. Check the symptoms with family members who come to the meeting.
  6. Check the manual when an infectious disease occurs again.

If you suspect infectious gastroenteritis, please also refer to the following materials.

If you have a COVID-19 infection patient at an elderly facility, please also check the following page.

2. Contact relevant organizations

If you can understand the situation, please contact the relevant organizations.

2-1 Reports from facilities for the elderly

<Estimated Reporting to Health and Welfare Center>

  1. The same infectious disease, food poisoning, or suspected fatalities or serious cases occur within one week.
  2. When more than 10 people suspected to be the same infectious disease, food poisoning, or when more than half of all users occur.
  3. ①Even if it does not fall under 2 and 2, outbreaks of infectious diseases that exceed normal outbreak trends are suspected, especially when the facility manager deems it necessary to report.

<Method of contact>

  1. Please report to Hodogaya Ward Health and Welfare Center by e-mail using the Report on the Number of New Cases (Excel: 24KB). (Fax is also acceptable)
  2. Please contact us by telephone (Health and Welfare Division Health Promotion Section: 045-334-6346) after reporting (email or fax).
    ※Based on the report, we will cooperate with the Health Sanitation Division as necessary.
  3. In the case of a report on COVID-19, please also submit a report on infection status at <COVID-19 infection> nursing care facilities and facilities for the elderly.

<Submission destination> Please submit to Hodogaya Ward Health and Welfare Division by either way.

2-2 Reports from childcare facilities

<Estimated Reporting to Health and Welfare Center>

  1. The same infectious disease, food poisoning, or suspected fatalities or serious cases occur within one week.
  2. When more than 20% of all users have occurred in the same infectious disease, food poisoning, or suspected person due to them.
  3. ①Even if it does not fall under 2 and 2, outbreaks of infectious diseases that exceed normal outbreak trends are suspected, especially when the facility manager deems it necessary to report.
  4. "Infectious diseases (classes 1 to 3) and Measles wind shin" as stipulated in the Infectious Diseases Act, and if there is a possibility of spread in group life for Class 4 and Class 5.

<Method of contact>

  1. Please use the “Infectious Disease Outbreak Report” (Excel: 19KB) and report it to Hodogaya Ward Children and Families Support Division by e-mail. (Fax is also acceptable)
  2. If you report by fax, please contact us by telephone (Children and Families Support Division: 045-334-6397).
    ※Based on the report, we will work with Health and Welfare Division, Health Sanitation Division and Children and Families Support Division as necessary.

<Submission destination> Please submit to Hodogaya Ward Children and Families Support Division by one of the following methods.

3 Submission of documents to the ward office

Elderly facilities

Childcare facilities

4 Response to each suspected infectious disease

4-1 Response to suspected infectious gastroenteritis

Treatment and disinfection of vomit

Treatment and disinfection of vomit
Image of how to treat and disinfect vomit

Video of vomit processing learned in practice (click the image to link to the video page)

Video of vomit processing learned through practice
Vomit processing learned through practice (about 10 minutes video)

4-2 Control of infection from normal times

Referring to the following media and materials, it is a facility, so if you prepare an infectious disease manual and conduct infectious disease control training at the facility, you can quickly respond to outbreaks. The basics of infection control are standard pre-coated. First of all, let's review whether it's well done.

Standard Prevention Measures (Standard Precotion)

Standard Prevention Measures

It is easy to introduce and explain the following contents. Please use it for training at the facility.
1 Standard Prevention Measures
2 Hand hygiene timing
3 Put on and take off hand hygiene gloves

About correct hand washing procedure (Yokohama-shi)

About correct hand washing procedure (Yokohama-shi)
About the correct hand washing procedure

5 Collection of Related Materials

5-1 Infections in general

It is infectious disease reporting page for citizens.

We can confirm infectious disease outbreak situation in Yokohama-shi.

5-2 Infectious gastroenteritis related

5-3 COVID-19 infection-related

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Inquiries to this page

Hodogaya Ward Health and Welfare Center Health and Welfare Division Health Promotion Section

Phone: 045-334-6344

Phone: 045-334-6344

Fax: 045-333-6309

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 660-697-609

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