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Hello baby visit, mother and child visit, etc.

Last updated on December 12, 2023.

About visiting business of Health and Welfare Center

Hello baby visit

Hello, baby visit?

Local visitors visit all families with babies up to four months of age to provide celebration of birth, services that can be used after childbirth, and local child care information.
For more details,...
On the City of Yokohama, Child and Youth Bureau website
Hello, please look at the pageTo the site of Yokohama City of your baby visit.

Mother and Child Visit

Lecture "Let's imagine life with babies"

If your baby is in trouble with crying...
If your mother becomes anxious...
Please take a look.

Lecture "Let's imagine life with baby" document is this (PDF: 3,382KB)

What is your mother and child visit?

In Yokohama-shi, we carry out mother and child visit instruction (free) by midwives for the purpose of various consultation, instruction about child care and promotion of recovery of mother for the first time baby and the mother.
<Example of consultation and guidance contents>

  • Do you give your boobs well?…Breastfeeding, milk delivery, etc.
  • Is your baby's growth going well?…Weight measurement, weight gain explanation, etc.
  • Do you use Health and Welfare Center well?…Childcare classes, infant health checkups, Vaccinations, etc.

Even if you do not wish to visit, we may contact you and visit depending on your baby or mother's condition.

Visit to low child birth weight infants

For babies weighing less than 2,500g at birth, notification is required by the Maternal and Child Health Act, so be sure to submit a child birth Contact Form.
At a later date, a midwife or public health nurse from Health and Welfare Center will contact you and visit you.

How to submit the child birth Contact Form

This is a postcard attached to the first page of the Maternal and Child Health Handbook.
Please submit it to Health and Welfare Center as soon as possible after child birth because it is necessary to make a visit.
※Please submit it immediately after giving birth.
※A separate notification from the child birth is required.

Submitted by mail

Submission address
5-1-1, Izumichuokita, Izumi-ku, Yokohama-shi
Izumi Ward Office Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Submitted at the counter

Reception desk: No. 210 on the second floor
Reception hours: In ward office Hours (Saturday open agency day is also available)

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Inquiries to this page

Izumi Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-800-2444

Phone: 045-800-2444

Fax: 045-800-2513

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 926-071-060

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