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  5. Parenting in Izumi Ward: Outline of Questionnaire Survey on Child Care in Izumi Ward

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Parenting in Izumi Ward: Outline of Questionnaire Survey on Child Care in Izumi Ward

Last updated on April 28, 2021.

Results of the Izumi Ward Child Care Questionnaire

 About 1,000 babies are born every year in Izumi Ward, but the number of child birth is gradually decreasing. In order to promote the community development that encourages the child-rearing generation to feel "Izumi Ward is a kind town for the child-rearing generation," we conducted a questionnaire survey on what people who are raising children usually feel and have problems.
 Based on these results, we will promote town development that is easy to raise children with local residents.


Questionnaire results (PDF: 900KB)

Child care to nurture in Izumi Ward (summary leaflet) (PDF: 3,342KB)

Initiatives in FY2020

Promotion of the creation of a culture that monitors the child-rearing generation


 By posting the flag of "Child care support together" at local child care support projects (child care salons, nursery schools, etc.) and sending a message that it is a supporter / institution that supports child care, the child care generation in the area We aim to promote the creation of a climate that warmly watches.

Start of training and support activities for "child care support supporters"

Child-rearing support supporter Bandana
The supporter wears this bandana.

 In places of support such as local child care salons in familiar area, we nurture "child care support supporters" who consult and listen and snuggle up, and aim to create a town that is easy to raise and is not isolated. Supporters are working with bandanas as a landmark.

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Inquiries to this page

Izumi Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-800-2444

Phone: 045-800-2444

Fax: 045-800-2513

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 274-354-017

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