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  5. [Recruitment end] Beginner Nanjing Tama blinds course

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[Recruitment end] Beginner Nanjing Tama blinds course

Kanagawa Ward Residents' Activities Support Center

Last updated on February 16, 2024.

Basic information

Event name

Beginner Nanjing Tama blinds course (Nanjing Tama blinds first story)

Event Overview

 Students will learn Nanjing Tama blinds in five consecutive lectures from a city teacher registered in the Kanagawa Ward Residents' Aid BANK, a human resource registration system of the Kanagawa Ward Ward Residents Support Center. Let's enjoy learning traditional performing arts with friends and let Kanagawa Ward blow the wind of Nanjing Tama blinds on the rhythm of "Take it up."

Date and time details

Course schedule, etc.
Number of timesDate and timeContents
1stMonday, February 26
From 10:00 to 12:00
  • The first ball blinds (history, mouth, how to hold)
  • Acquisition of skills (fishing rod, torii, Asahi)
2ndMonday, March 4
From 9 o'clock
  • Everyone appreciates cultural festival (experience the stage of various groups)

Monday, March 11
From 10:00 to 12:00

  • Acquisition of skills (yacht, gold shachihoko, tail bird)
4thMonday, March 18
From 10:00 to 12:00
  • Acquisition of skills (Dojo scooping, sea bream, Mount Fuji)
5thMonday, March 25
From 10:00 to 15:00
  • Lunch exchange & presentation

Hosting Area

Kanagawa Ward

Details of the venue

Kanagawa Ward Citizens' Activities Support Center (3-8 Hirodaiota-cho, Kanagawa-ku)

How to participate

Please apply by the deadline as follows (many lottery)

Application details

  • Application
    Kanagawa Ward Residents' Activities Support Center
  • Application deadline
    Until 17:00 on Thursday, February 15
  • How to apply
    Please apply in one of the following ways.
    • Apply directly at the counter
    • Application by e-mail or fax
      Please fill in the following information and send it.
      Email: [email protected]
      FAX: 045-323-2502 FAX transmission form (PDF: 300KB)
      1. Course name (beginner Nanjing Tama blinds course)
      2. Address
      3. TEL
      4. Name (furigana)
      5. Ages
      6. A word of enthusiasm for participation
  • Other notes
    The center will inform you about whether or not to participate on Monday, February 19th.



Cost details

1,000 yen (for all 5 times, as a fee for renting balls)
After you decide to participate, you will be required to pay in the first course.

Target person

10 people who live, work, or attend school in Kanagawa Ward


Culture, Tourism and Festivals


Kanagawa Ward Residents' Activities Support Center

About this course

  • Event flyer (PDF: 785KB)
  • What is the Kanagawa ward assistant BANK?
    This is a human resource registration system for those who want to volunteer using their special skills experience and knowledge. He has contributed widely to local activities and lifelong learning for citizens, such as teaching as a local event and city teacher. If you are looking for an event performer or lecturer at Neighborhood Association Neighborhood Associations, Children's Association, Schools, Citizens' Facilities, etc., please feel free to contact the Kanagawa Ward Community Support Center.

Event flyer
Event flyer (front surface)

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Inquiries to this page

Kanagawa Ward General Affairs Department Regional Promotion Division

Phone: 045-411-7086

Phone: 045-411-7086

Fax: 045-323-2502

E-Mail address [email protected]

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