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  5. [Recruitment end] A riddle to enjoy together

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[Recruitment end] A riddle to enjoy together

Kanagawa Ward Residents' Activities Support Center

Last updated on January 24, 2024.

Basic information

Event name

A riddle to enjoy together

Event Overview

This is a series of four series of lectures on how to create simple riddle problems and how to enliven the city using a riddle tool from a city teacher registered in the Kanagawa Ward Residents' Aid BANK, a human resource registration system of the Kanagawa Ward Ward Residents Support Center.
Lecturer is Yoshiaki Ryoei, who runs the local information site "Kandaiji Navi". Why don't you learn how to make use of your ideas from the town gimmler?

Date and time details

Course schedule, etc.
Number of timesDate and timeContents
1stTuesday, September 5
From 10:00 to 12:00

Know the fun (what is the riddle?)

2ndTuesday, September 12
From 10:00 to 12:00

Let's make it (making simple riddle time)

3rdTuesday, September 19
From 10:00 to 12:00

Utilize in the town (Introduction of actual examples)

4thTuesday, September 26
From 10:00 to 12:00

Practice (when everyone's riddle)

Hosting Area

Kanagawa Ward

Details of the venue

Kanagawa Ward Office Main Building 5F Exchange Room (3-8 Hirodai-Otacho, Kanagawa-ku)

How to participate

Please apply by the deadline as follows (many lottery)

Application details

  • Application
    Kanagawa Ward Residents' Activities Support Center
  • Date of application
    Thursday, August 24
  • How to apply
    Please apply in one of the following ways.
    • Apply directly at the counter
    • Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System
      Please apply from the link below.
      [Yokohama City Electronic Application and Notification System]
    • Application by fax or e-mail
      Please fill in the following information and send it.
      (FAX number) 045-323-2502 FAX transmission form (Excel: 13KB) FAX transmission form (PDF: 138KB)
      (Email) [email protected]
      1. Name (furigana)
      2. Address
      3. TEL
      4. E-Mail address
      5. Motivation for participation (Please fill in the form)
  • Other notes
    Many applications will be drawn by lot, and after the deadline (August 24), we will contact you by e-mail.


Free of charge

Target person

In principle, 15 people who live, work, or attend school in Kanagawa Ward (many lottery)


Culture, Tourism and Festivals


Kanagawa Ward Residents' Activities Support Center

About the event

  • Event flyer (image: 30KB)
  • Message from Lecturer (Mr. Yorieimei)
    We operate Kandaiji Navi, a web media that conveys the appeal of the Jindaiji area in Kanagawa-ku, and produce ICT for local activities and events to enhance local attractions. We help you solve various issues of everyone working in the community with human resources and abundant ideas from each region. For the worries of the general public, we would like to think together about a mechanism that can be done by individuals by using existing services well, and "If you consult, you can get some ideas." You. Please join us.

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Inquiries to this page

Kanagawa Ward Residents' Activities Support Center

Phone: 045-411-7089

Phone: 045-411-7089

Fax: 045-323-2502

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 838-467-698

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