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  5. Information on temporary childcare at Kanagawa Ward City Nursery School

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Information on temporary childcare at Kanagawa Ward City Nursery School

Information about temporary childcare at municipal nursery schools in Kanagawa Ward (Kandaiji Nursery School, Nishi Sugeta Nursery School, Matsumi Nursery School).

Last updated on August 25, 2023.

Information on temporary childcare at Kanagawa Ward City Nursery School

This is a guide provided at nursery schools for parents. (The contents described are the same as those on this page.)
Information on Kanagawa Ward City Nursery School and Temporary Childcare (PDF: 857KB)

Temporary nursery schools

Temporary nursery schools
Name of nursery schoolAddressPhoneFAX
Kandaiji Nursery School2-1-7, Kandaiji481-1513481-1547
Nishi Sugeta Nursery School488, Sugatacho473-1957473-1969
Matsumi Nursery School1-28-4, Matsumicho432-6621432-6704

※For applications and inquiries, Reception hours is from 10:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on weekdays.
※Please make a reservation for the first use registration (interview) by telephone or via the Yokohama City Temporary Custody WEB Reservation System (outside site).
※The application for use starts at 10:30 on the 1st of the previous month of the desired date. For details, please refer to the following URL.

Target age

From 1 year old to pre-school
※The one-year-old child here is a one-year-old child as of April 2 of this year.

Type and content of childcare

Type and content of childcare
TypeContentsNumber of times
Emergency childcareWhen it is difficult to temporarily take care of children at home due to injury, illness, hospitalization, etc. of parentsWithin 14 consecutive days
Atypical childcareWhen childcare at home is intermittently difficult due to part-time employment, outpatient care, nursing care, etc. of parentsWithin 3 days a week
Refreshing childcareWhen childcare is temporarily required for other reasons, such as to eliminate the psychological or physical burden associated with parenting, etc.Within one day each time

Usage time

From 8:30 to 16:30 from Monday to Friday (excluding holidays and New Year's holidays)


Usage fees and meals

Usage fees
Calculated in units of 30 minutes. Fractions are rounded up)

Children under 3 years old

300 yen (per hour/person)
※The maximum amount per day is 2,400 yen

Children over 3 years old

160 yen (per hour/person)
※The maximum amount per day is 1,300 yen

MealsChildren under 3 years old

Lunch fee 320 yen, snack fee 50 yen (snack is provided twice in the morning and afternoon)
※If you use it from morning to evening, the total will be 420 yen (50 yen for morning snacks + 320 yen for lunch + 50 yen for afternoon snacks).

Children over 3 years old

Lunch fee: 240 yen, snack fee: 60 yen
※If you use it from morning to evening, the total will be 300 yen (lunch fee 240 yen + snack fee 60 yen).

1.Reservation for an interview

2.Registration (interview)

3.Application for use

  • After registration is completed, you will be able to apply for use. The application will start from the month before the desired date of use. (From 10:30 on the 1st of the previous month to 16:00 on the day before)

4.Determination of acceptance

  • Nursery schools will decide on acceptance (if there is no acceptance space, you will not be able to use it).
  • If you are notified of the use decision, please fill out the "Temporary Childcare Application Form (Excel: 17KB)" and submit it to the nursery school.
  1. Please submit non-regular childcare on the morning of the first day of use every month.
  2. Please submit refresh childcare and emergency childcare on the morning of the day of use.
  • We will give you a temporary childcare use approval letter.

5.Payment of usage fees, etc.

  • The usage fee and meal fee must be paid by the delivery notice given by the nursery school.
  • Please pay at the designated financial institution by the payment deadline stated in the delivery notice.
  • Please inform the nursery school after payment.

Precautions for Use

  • You can apply for use from 10:30 on the 1st of the previous month of the desired date to 16:00 the day before.
  • Depending on the circumstances of nursery school events, childcare systems, infectious diseases, etc., we may not be able to keep it.
  • If you want to cancel your use, please contact the nursery school as soon as possible.
    If you cancel due to poor physical condition on the day, please contact us by 9:00 on the day.
    Refunds will not be possible due to shortening of time after the start of use.
  • Meals and snacks will require meals (charged) provided at the nursery school.
  • If you cannot use meals at the nursery due to allergies, etc., be sure to report at the time of registration.
  • Parking is prohibited around the nursery school. We ask that you do not cause any inconvenience to your neighbors.
  • When using on the day, please bring a change of clothes etc. as necessary. For details, we will guide you in the "Temporary Childcare Bookmarks" handed at the time of use.

List of reduction and exemption systems

If you live in Yokohama, the following people have a reduction in usage fees, please present the necessary documents to the nursery school by the time you use. If you do not present it, you will not be able to reduce it.
※Meals are not eligible for reduction.

Reduction and exemption system
Eligible for reductionReduction rateDocuments required for reduction of taxes
Protected HouseholdsFull exemption

"Protection certificate", "Protection (start) decision letter", "Welfare allowance payment certificate"

Households exempt from municipal taxFull exemption"Municipal tax, prefectural tax (non-) taxation certificate" for all households
Households whose total municipal inhabitant tax income percent is less than 77,101 yen2/3 exemption"Municipal tax, prefectural tax (non-) taxation certificate" for all households
Single-parent householdsFull exemption

"Child Raising Allowance Certificate" and "Welfare Medical Certificate (Single Parent Medical Certificate)"

Multifetal Households
(Emergency and refreshment purposes only)
Full exemption

“Mother and Child Handbook (Proof of Birth Notification)”, “resident certificate, etc.
Documents that can be confirmed to be multiple fetuses

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Inquiries to this page

Kanagawa Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-411-7112

Phone: 045-411-7112

Fax: 045-321-8820

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 976-568-223

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