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Those who are using daycare centers in Kanagawa Ward

Last updated on November 12, 2024.

Documents that need to be submitted due to changes in the situation

 If there is a change in job change, Retirement, change in working hours, take childcare leave, or other changes in living conditions, use the documents specified in the table below.
 Please submit by the month before the start month in which you need to change.

About the contents of various reports
No Major changes Documents to be submitted

The employment situation has changed
(Working hours, commuting hours, night shifts, and whether or not they are transferred alone.
Change, start work, change work, etc.)

Certification change application (and notification of change of notification matter) (PDF: 1,794KB)
Employment certificate (PDF: 1,400KB)

I quit my job (I was looking for a job) Certification change application (and notification of change of notification matter) (PDF: 1,794KB)
I want to change the standard time for childcare/short time for childcare

Certification change application (and notification of change of notification matter) (PDF: 1,794KB)
Employment certificate (PDF: 1,400KB), etc.


There was a change in household composition
(Divorce, marriage, increase or decrease in living together family, single transfer, etc.)

Certification change application (and notification of change of notification matter) (PDF: 1,794KB)

I will give birth to the next child

Certification change application (and notification of change of notification matter) (PDF: 1,794KB)
Copy of Maternal and Child Health Handbook
(Page with cover and expected date of childbirth)


If you take childcare leave
When you want to continue using a nursery school

Certification change application (and notification of change of notification matter) (PDF: 1,794KB)
Childcare Leave Certificate (PDF: 57KB)

7 Complete childcare leave and return to work

Certification change application (and notification of change of notification matter) (PDF: 1,794KB)
Employment certificate (PDF: 1,400KB)
(After returning to work, ask the employer to fill out the form and submit it within 2 weeks after returning to work.)

8 I moved in Yokohama city Certification change application (and notification of change of notification matter) (PDF: 1,794KB)

Move out of Yokohama
※If you want to continue using a nursery school in Yokohama after moving out of the city, please consult Kanagawa Ward Children and Families Support Division.

Application for cancellation of certification / use cancellation (PDF: 414KB)


Stop using nursery schools
※Once the last day of the school is decided, please contact the nursery school you are using and complete the procedure in advance.

Application for cancellation of certification / use cancellation (PDF: 414KB)

 For details on how to determine usage fees and those who are exempt from side meals, please refer to the Child and Youth Bureau page.

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Inquiries to this page

Kanagawa Ward Health and Welfare Center Children and Families Support Division

Phone: 045-411-7157

Phone: 045-411-7157

Fax: 045-321-8820

E-Mail address [email protected]

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Page ID: 570-115-691

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