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Initiatives at the Kanagawa Ward Office

Last updated on February 2, 2024.

I would like to introduce the efforts of the Kanagawa Ward Office Building.

Installation of photovoltaic panels

We installed a solar power generation system on the roof of the annex of the Kanagawa Ward General Government Building. (March 2008)
Solar power generation uses solar cells to directly convert the energy of sunlight into electricity, so it is a clean energy source that does not emit CO2 (carbon dioxide), SOX (sulfur oxides), NOX (nitrogen oxides), etc., which cause global warming.
With this system, the amount of carbon dioxide that can reduce emissions per year is about 11.4 tons, which is equivalent to the amount of carbon dioxide that approximately 2.6 hectares of forest processes in one year.
The power generation status is displayed on the monitor installed in the ward hall on the first floor of the ward office annex, so please take a look when you come to the ward office.

Photovoltaic power generation panel (rooftop of the ward government building)
Panels installed on the rooftop

Type: Polycrystalline silicon solar cells
Number of power generation panels: 168 sheets
Rated output: 30 kilowatts (kW), annual power generation: Approximately 30,000 kilowatt hours (kWh)
Photovoltaic power generation system brochure (PDF: 1,186KB)

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Kanagawa Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-411-7027

Phone: 045-411-7027

Fax: 045-314-8890

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Page ID: 226-016-966

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