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  6. About ECO Partner Agreement, a collaborative project with Yokohama FC

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About ECO Partner Agreement, a collaborative project with Yokohama FC

Last updated on May 9, 2022.

What is the ECO Partner Agreement?

On February 22, 2010, the Kanagawa Ward Office concluded an ECO Partner Agreement with Frie Sports Club Co., Ltd., the operator of Yokohama FC, to deepen cooperation and cooperation, including environmental actions.
Yokohama FC is a soccer J2 league team whose home stadium is Nippatsu Mitsuzawa Stadium in Kanagawa Ward. With this agreement as an opportunity, collaborative efforts began in the 2010 season, including environmental actions.
For elementary school students living and studying in Kanagawa Ward, we are making efforts to watch Yokohama FC home games free of charge, holding Kanagawa Kumin DAY*, which invites Kanagawa residents to watch games, and promoting carbon offset according to the number of visitors.
※This is about "Kanagawa inhabitant of a ward DAY" of this year (we move to event publication page in the site)

Eco Partner Agreement Image

ECO Partner Agreement (PDF: 502KB)

What is carbon offset?

What is carbon offset?
After understanding your own greenhouse gas emissions and making efforts to reduce emissions as much as possible, the amount that cannot be reduced by all means.
Absorp and reduce all or part in other places and make up (offset).
Yokohama FC implements a carbon offset of 1 kg of CO2 per visitor to the home game. It is a great opportunity to go to the venue and enjoy eco-friendly activities while enjoying the game!

In "Kanagawa Kumin DAY", which is held based on the ECO Partner Agreement, if Yokohama FC wins the game, it will be twice as usual (2 kg). In addition, the “ECO Partner DAY” held in the same way is held four times (4 kg) as usual.
※If you draw or lose, it will be equal (1kg).

Watch soccer at Nippatsu Mitsuzawa Stadium and contribute to the eco!

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