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Trees of the ward and flowers of the ward

Last updated on July 3, 2023.

Expressive ward with "sea", "green" and "hill"

Location of Kanagawa Ward

Kanagawa Ward, located almost in the center of the city, consists of a plateau that has a large expansive, an inland lowland that stretches like tree branches, a coastal lowland that stretches almost north and south, and a reclaimed land on the seaside.

The fist tree of Kanagawa Ward

Image of the fist tree of Kanagawa Ward

Kanagawa Ward flower "Tulip"

Image of Kanagawa Ward flower "Tulip"

In 1988 (Showa 63), in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the constituency system and the 100th anniversary of municipal administration, it was established based on the votes of residents of the city. .
☆Introducing Kanagawa Ward's "Mascot Kame Taro" and "Symbol Mark".

Introduction of original bread recipe

This recipe is based on the idea of Kougaya Elementary School in the city as an initiative to convey the charm of the town.
Developed with the cooperation of Yokohama Sweets & Cafe College (created in 2022).
☆Original bread "~ Happiness of everyone, flower opening ~ Chestnut mpan of Kanagawa Ward flower" Tulip "" (PDF: 435KB)
☆Original bread "The charm of Kanagawa Ward! Taro Kame Bread of Happiness (PDF: 471KB)

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Inquiries to this page

Kanagawa Ward General Affairs Department Ward Administration Promotion Division

Phone: 045-411-7021

Phone: 045-411-7021

Fax: 045-314-8890

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