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Last updated on October 28, 2020.

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The 29th Ward Flower Tulip Drawing Exhibition (2019)

Introduction of the 29th ward flower tulip sketch exhibition work

elementary school student, a public elementary school in the city, sketched the flowers and tulips of the city, and 4,353 masterpieces were collected. We will introduce the works of the Director General Prize, Nurturing Humming ♪ Kanawa Exciting Prize, Kanagawa Ward Elementary School Excellence Prize, and Kame Taro Prize, which were selected by the screening committee.

Director General Award

Nakamaru Elementary School 2nd year Mr. Akane Maeda

Minami Kandaiji Elementary School 3rd year Takuma Takada

Sugeta Elementary School 6th year Hara Natsuki

Breeding humming ♪ Kanawaku Award

Nishiterao Elementary School 1st year Nanaki Takimoto (Is it Takimoto)

Koyasu Elementary School 2nd year Yumioka Aina Yumioka

Hitomi Kaneko, 5th year at Hazawa Elementary School

Kanagawa Ward Elementary School Excellence Award

2nd year student at Oguchidai Elementary School Reiki Katagai

Ikegami Elementary School 6th year Moeoka Nagaoka Honoka

Kame Taro Award

Urashima Elementary School 2nd year Reinan Matsuoka

Daisuke Shibata, 2nd year student at Kamibashi Elementary School

2nd year Kandaiji Elementary School Shiki Sugawara (Shiki Sugawara)

2nd year student at Shirohata Elementary School, Sho Yoshikawa

Nitani Elementary School 2nd year Seki Nanami

Mitsuzawa Elementary School 2nd year student Ryoma Zendaira

Shiho Ito, 4th year at Kougaya Elementary School

Mr. Chizuru Koizumi, 5th year student at Saito Branch Elementary School

Mr. Shimada, 6th year student at Kanagawa Elementary School

Nishiterao Daini Elementary School 6th year Ando Ibuki

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